Local Traffic Committee

 Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is responsible for the control of traffic on all roads in New South Wales. In order to deal with the large number and range of traffic related matters effectively, TfNSW has delegated certain aspects of the control of traffic on local roads to Council. Prior to exercising these delegated functions Council must obtain the advice of NSW Police and TfNSW. This advice is sought through the establishment of a Local Traffic Committee. 

The Local Traffic Committee is primarily a technical review committee that is required to advise the Council on traffic related matters referred to it by Council. The Local Traffic Committee is an advisory body only and has no decision making powers. 

The committee is composed of four formal members:

  • one Council representative 
  • one NSW Police representative
  • one TfNSW representative
  • the local State Member of Parliament (MP) or their nominee

The Local Traffic Committee generally meets every two months on the first Wednesday.