Clause 4.6 of the Local Environment Plan (LEP) provides a process by which an application can include a request to vary a development standard in the LEP.
Determinations of requests for variations under Clause 4.6 are reported quarterly to the Department of Planning & Infrastructure.
If you feel there is strong justification to depart from a statutory standard you must lodge an objection under Clause 4.6 of the LEP.
The Land and Environment Court, directions from the State Government and the Act have defined how a Clause 4.6 objection should be written and how the justification to the departure from the statutory standard in the EPI must be framed.
We recommend you use a consultant town planner or other land use professional to assist you in preparing a Clause 4.6 objection.
Below is a list of the Clause 4.6 variations for MidCoast Council: