Road, footpath & drainage approvals

You need to obtain permission from us for any works or activities on a public roadway or footpath/nature strip. If you are planning to undertake any of these activities you’ll need to contact us for approval.

Closing of a Council public road

You need to apply to us to close a Council public road on a temporary or permanent basis.

Closing a road temporarily:

If you want to close a road temporarily to conduct work within the road reserve, please read the information below under the heading 'work in or on a road reserve'.

If you want to close a road temporarily for an event, please see HERE.

If you want to close a road temporarily for any other reason, please call council on 02 7955 7777 or email [email protected] to speak with the Transport Assets Team.

Closing a road permanently:

If you want to close a road permanently there is an extensive process that needs to be followed and this includes written agreement of the owners of all private property adjoining the road. For more information contact our Senior Surveyor, Transport Assets on 02 7955 7777

Naming roads and bridges

In considering any naming requests we will consult with the local community and the Geographical Names Board.

Public stock grids and gates

Apply to install a public gate (which is to comprise a stock grid and gate) to control stock movement.



An application for stormwater drainage work is required if you are:

  • Connecting a private drain with a public drain.  
  • Connecting stormwater drainage to a kerb and gutter, drainage easement or watercourse.
  • Carrying out work associated with on-site detention of stormwater.

Work in or on a road reserve

If you want to erect a structure or carry out work in, on or over a public road you will need to obtain approval from us.

Your conditions of consent will tell you which of the following you will require:

  • Application to erect hoarding or occupy a work zone. Required for temporary use of a public road, footpath or parking space and is especially required when working in areas where there is a high pedestrian traffic and a high demand for parking. This includes areas within town centres.


A driveway application is required for every driveway cross-over that connects a property with the road. 

You will need to submit your completed application form with a detailed plan to confirm that your proposal complies with the relevant standard drawing.

A guideline is available with regard to Driveway crossing(PDF, 269KB).