Council is preparing a coastal management program (CMP) for the Old Bar Manning Point (OBMP) coastline ahead of the broader Open Coast Coastal Management Program. Council committed to advance the Old Bar Manning Point CMP ahead of the broader project because of concerns about rapid coastal erosion and shoreline recession in this area and the need to provide the community with a clear direction about how this area is to be managed in the future.
Learn more about the project here
The OBMP CMP extends from Wallabi Point to Crowdy Head and extends 2km inland. It will consider management issues along the entire coastline including coastal erosion and shoreline recession at Old Bar and Manning Point.
The coastal processes at Old Bar and Manning Point have been extensively researched and there has been many studies over several decades exploring engineering and other options to resist these processes and buy time. Links to these studies are provided in the 'supporting information' section below.
The final study on probabilistic hazard modelling has been completed.
Probalistic hazard modelling (supported by ground-penetrating radar)
Until now, predicted coastal erosion and shoreline recession along the coast was based on observed trends, a good understanding about coastal processes but superficial knowledge of the substrate underlying the area. The ground penetrating radar component of the study provided a detailed understanding of what is below the surface so that the modelling can take this into consideration and provide more accurate predictions about the speed and extent of shoreline recession and coastal erosion.
Probabilistic modelling takes into consideration short-term erosion, long-term recession, sea-level rise and the geological conditions. Modelling was undertaken for the present day, in 2060 and in 2100. A million scenarios for each time period were run to predict the likelihood at each time frame the location of the shoreline and the area where the foundations of building may be compromised.
The report and the accompanying maps are the most accurate representation of the likely impacts on our coastline to 2100.
Read the report
We will be in touch with property owners who are in the areas that may be impacted over the coming months. We encourage anyone in the Old Bar and Manning Point communities to contact Council to discuss the report.
If you wish to speak with Council’s Coastal Planner or organise a time to meet please call (02) 7955 7777.