Proposed road closure - Unnamed Road, Parish of Bootawa

Submissions closing on 07 May 2025, 04:30 PM

Unnamed Road Bootawa

In accordance with Section 38B of the Roads Act 1993, notice is given that Mid-Coast Council will consider the permanent closure of a Council Public road at Bootawa. Council will receive and consider submissions regarding the proposed road closure. The road under consideration comprises Council public road which lies within Lot 1 DP626029. Should the road be closed, the land is to be sold to the adjoining landowner/applicant. All interested persons are invited to make submissions to Mid-Coast Council, PO Box 482, TAREE NSW 2430 or [email protected] by Wednesday 7 May 2025. Regarding the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act, information contained in a submission may, at the discretion of Mid-Coast Council be referred to the person(s) who initiated the proposal for appropriate consideration.

Please include Council’s reference RD21385 in your submission.