Weather hampers works

Published on 22 February 2024

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As inclement weather continues to hit the region, MidCoast Council has called on residents to be mindful of the effects it can have on projects and in particular road repairs.

Director of Infrastructure and Engineering, Robert Scott, said he understands the frustrations of some residents and motorists at the delayed works but insisted Council was doing everything in its power to get them done.

“There are a few road projects that have been consistently delayed over the past few weeks because of the rain,” he said.

“Unfortunately, we cannot control the weather, but we understand it’s frustrating. It’s as frustrating for us too because we want to be able to get these works done and move on to the next priorities.

“Lately it feels like we are getting a big downpour and just as it starts to dry out and looks like we can continue work it rains again. It has been a bit of a vicious cycle of late.”

Mr Scott said there were projects across the region including Gloucester, Taree, Old Bar and Forster that have been delayed by the rain.