Upgrade begins on Lansdowne Road

Published on 31 October 2022


Improvement works have begun on Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne as part of Council's $7.5m local road upgrades project.

Over a period of approximately two weeks, a section of road from Cundle Road, Cross Creek through to Koolah Creek Road will be stabilised and resealed.

“This upgrade will improve safety for road users and reduce the need for repeat maintenance on this section of Lansdowne Road,” said Executive Manager Transport and Engineering, Peter Gesling. 

“It represents a strategic investment and is in harmony with our commitment to improve access to rural areas.”

Work will be undertaken Monday to Friday, from approximately 7am to 5pm, with completion of works expected by Friday 11 November, weather permitting.

There will be single-lane traffic conditions and stop / go traffic control. There may be short delays, so please plan extra time for trips until works are complete.   

Please drive with extra care, paying close attention to all traffic control measures and directions from the traffic control crews.

Every effort will be made to minimise the disruption to local residents and road users.

You can keep up to date with this roads program at https://haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/7-5-million-roads-program

For updates about roadworks across the region, please visit www.myroadinfo.com.au