Southern roads in the spotlight

Published on 15 August 2017

Booral Road edited.jpg

MidCoast Council’s ongoing focus on improving the condition of our local roads has seen an extensive schedule of rehabilitation works roll out in areas spanning Willina through to Bundabah.

Now nearing completion, the schedule of seven individual roadworks projects has taken place over the past two months and covers a combined stretch of over 4km of road pavement. Rehabilitation works have included bitumen sealing of around 2.5km of previously gravel road, resealing, and other safety and drainage improvements unique to each specific project.

In Booral-Washpool Road, Stroud, a 1.65km length was rehabilitated, widened to cater for heavy vehicles, and sealed, and several existing culverts were widened.

In various Bundabah Streets, including Cove Avenue, Second Avenue and Pleasant View Parade, gravel roads were sealed and drainage improvements undertaken.

And in Booral Road, Bulahdelah, around 700m of the road has been improved, widened and finished with a bitumen and aggregate seal.

“This is great news for local motorists, with a far smoother and safer driving surface”, explained Jamie Condie, MidCoast Council’s Manager Operations (South). “And sealing our gravel road network when the opportunity arises means we’re reducing the frequency of routine maintenance and extending the life of the road”.

Works on Willina Road, Willina are nearing completion and involved extending the seal by approximately 1.4km, widening the road and improving drainage in the area.

To complete the schedule, a previously gravel 500m section of The Branch Lane has been widened and sealed, and drainage improvements made, with line-marking to come.

“Unlike the previous gravel roads in these areas, the sealed roads will provide motorists with a dust free, skid resistant surface and improved safety conditions”, Jamie added.

These works have been funded through the Federal Government’s “Roads to Recovery” program and are part of MidCoast Council’s commitment to improving infrastructure throughout the region.

To stay updated on current roadworks projects, visit


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