Seal Rocks Road hazard study findings

Published on 31 October 2022


A geotechnical study has confirmed that sections of Seal Rocks Road and Kinka Road are at risk of coastal erosion and sea level rise by 2060.

“The study confirmed, with some variations, the coastal hazard probability lines in the Great Lakes Coastal Zone Management Plan,” said Council’s Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Rob Scott.

The study assessed the subsurface beneath the road and also considered sea level rise and climate change projections.

“We now know in some places there is rock under the sand – the previous reports had assumed there was sand only. The depth of rock varies across the site. This knowledge provides more certainty around which parts of the road are at risk of being eroded.

“The study shows there is high probability that sections of Seal Rocks Road and Kinka Road will be impacted by coastal erosion and sea level rise by 2060.”

There is only one road route in and out of Seal Rocks. A future failure could isolate the town and cause hardship for residents during weather events or other disasters.

“It’s vital that we maintain a secure future road access to the Seal Rocks village,” said Mr Scott.

Council's consultants are preparing options to ensure road access for the village.

These options will be developed together with landowners, which include NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Forster Aboriginal Land Council and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment.

More studies will be undertaken to ensure the best options are chosen. Biodiversity and conservation studies, Aboriginal heritage and land surveys will provide more knowledge.

Council will work with the other stakeholders to assess Coffey’s recommendations and choose the most viable options for ensuring road access to Seal Rocks.

These options will be presented to the community for their feedback.

“Once a preferred option is chosen, we will then work with the community to develop a local area plan for Seal Rocks. This will guide future planning for the village and identify improvements and opportunities.

“We are committed to keeping the community informed of this project and the findings of the studies.”

Council’s project team will hold a community drop-in session at Bungwahl Hall from 4pm -7pm on Tuesday 15 November. Everyone is welcome to drop in during that time, chat to the project team and ask any questions.

For more information visit Seal Rocks Road hazard study | Have Your Say ( You can register on that page to receive updates on this project.