Options open for Wingham pool relocation
Published on 29 March 2018
While proximity to town was identified by locals as a priority when considering a new home for the Wingham Memorial Swimming Pool, the existing Bowling Club site is no longer an option.
Located at the entrance to Wingham and next to the current pool, the Wingham Bowling Club site was a front-runner with locals and Council staff alike when consultation about the potential for relocating the pool was undertaken with the Wingham community last year. The location was under consideration pending a decision on whether Wingham Bowling Club would amalgamate with Wingham Golf Club. But in a vote undertaken on Sunday 25 March, Bowling Club members have opted to stay put.
“While the outcome is disappointing from a pool relocation point of view, we respect the rights of the members to have their say about the future of their Club”, explains MidCoast Council’s Manager Projects and Engineering, Rhett Pattison. “We’ve made no secret that the bowling club site was our preferred option, but there were no guarantees and as such we’ve continued to review various other locations in and around the Wingham area”.
A survey conducted in April 2017 indicates 49.7% of locals want the new pool to be located in town. Other factors considered important include a location alongside other sporting facilities (14.2%), close to schools (9%), and in a location that offers pedestrian and cycle access (7.3%).
At this stage, the Wingham Sporting Complex in Coglan Avenue is considered the most feasible option.
“Co-locating the pool in an area already established as a sporting precinct makes common sense”, said Dan Aldridge, MidCoast Council’s Manager Community Spaces, Recreation and Trades, “but based on what the community has told us, its distance from the town centre makes it an unpopular choice”.
“There are certainly other options available, each with their own set of pros and cons, but we’re interested to hear from the local community about options they’d like to see investigated”, he added.
The relocation of the Wingham Memorial Swimming Pool comes off the back of MidCoast Council’s plans to replace the ageing Cedar Party Creek Bridge. The ‘investigation phase’ for the project is due for completion in May, and an application for construction funding has been made, which if successful, incorporates the costs associated with relocating and replacing the current pool on a like for like basis.
“While the grant funding is yet to be confirmed, we’re very mindful of minimising impacts on the local community”, Rhett added. “In our forward planning, the existing pool at Wingham would remain in place for the swimming season while the new swimming pool facility is constructed”.
To make a suggestion about a potential relocation site for the Wingham pool, email council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au
To stay updated on the progress of the Cedar Party Creek Bridge replacement project, visit www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/cedarpartycreekbridge