Meet and greet your local MidCoast tourism team

Published on 06 June 2017


MidCoast Council's Tourism team is holding industry "Meet and Greets" across the region this month and is inviting anyone with an interest in their local tourism industry to drop in, say hello and find out more about tourism matters in the MidCoast.

You're welcome to pop in at any time during one of the scheduled "drop in" sessions and meet Deb Tuckerman, the MidCoast Manager for Growth, Economic Development and the rest of the MidCoast tourism team.

"We will be available to answer any questions you may have around the upcoming Partnership Program, Destination Management Plan, our plans for the future and anything else tourism-related" says Deb Tuckerman.

As you can appreciate the merger of the three former councils has presented a number of challenges, however our team has been working collaboratively to continue to support the industry and tourism generally during this period.

"Collaboration with our industry and stakeholders is something we take very seriously and is critical to the future success of our destination.  So we also want to find out from you what you want from us, how you want us to consult and communicate with you, what networking opportunities, and workshops you'd like to see going forward" adds Deb.

We'll also be giving away a FREE annual tourism partnership at each of the sessions!  

For catering purposes we'd be grateful if you could RSVP by emailing [email protected] or calling 6554 8799 - remembering to specify which session you will be attending.

Sessions will be held at:

Gloucester Visitor Centre, Denison Street, on Wednesday 7 June, between 4pm - 6:30pm;

Forster Visitor Centre, Little Street, on Wednesday 14 June, between 4pm - 6:30pm;

Manning Valley Visitor Centre, Manning River Drive, on Monday 19 June between 4pm - 6:30pm; and

Tea Gardens Visitor Centre, Myall Street, on Tuesday 20 June between 3pm - 5:30pm.

Please pop in for a chat and a bite to eat and drink - we look forward to seeing you there!