Local planning pathway for Hallidays Point

Published on 11 March 2025


The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has decided not to continue with the Hallidays Point Place Strategy.

The Place Strategy was proposed to be developed together with the Department as part of their Place Delivery Group Program.

"The Department has now had a change of tack and believes that the best way to plan for Hallidays Point is through a local planning process," said Paul De Szell, the Director of Liveable Communities at MidCoast Council.

The main goal of the Hallidays Point Place Strategy was to consider landscape scale impacts in relation to biodiversity, bushfire risk and transport in order to plan for the future of the area.

Now this future planning will be achieved through site-specific rezoning. Any site-specific rezoning proposal will still need to consider biodiversity, bushfire risk and transport to ensure the right outcome for any further development of Hallidays Point.

The studies being completed for the Place Strategy will be used when making decisions about rezoning applications for the area. These studies cover biodiversity, bushfire risk and transport.

“We will consider feedback from the community and make sure our plans fit with other strategies, such as the MidCoast Housing Strategy, Urban Release Areas Report, and Biodiversity Framework,” said Mr De Szell.

For more information, visit https://haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/yourplace-hallidayspoint.