Learn how accounting for nature could benefit your property

Published on 08 November 2024

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MidCoast farmers and landholders are invited to an educational webinar and field day that may open up new economic opportunities for some properties.

The one-hour webinar will take place on Tuesday 19 November 5:30pm to 6:30pm. There will be several short talks from a variety of speakers covering topics such as what accounting for nature is, the benefits of using accounting for nature on your property, and how accounting for nature fits in with carbon farming. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

The webinar will be followed up by a field day on Saturday 30 November.

Accounting for nature helps landholders integrate economic and environmental data to better quantify their environmental assets. Natural capital is important for an area’s economic growth but is not always properly considered and assessed for its intrinsic worth.

“Understanding the environmental value of your property can lead to unexpected opportunities,” said MidCoast Council’s Manager of Natural Systems, Gerard Tuckerman.  

“One example of these opportunities is carbon farming. There are currently grant opportunities for eligible landholders wishing to undertake carbon farming, such as the Living Carbon grants.

“As the on-ground support partner for the region, MidCoast Council can assist landholders to understand if carbon farming is suitable for their property and provide support when preparing Living Carbon grant applications, including developing a planting plan.”

The webinar will also discuss types of data collection, provide an example of how to apply the vegetation method to your property, and show how knowledge about your property can help with decision making and long-term management.

To book in for the webinar go to https://midcoastcouncil.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Y_jmVa24SAOEarBpA7cugw

To register for the field day on 30 November go to https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/natures-balance-sheet-accounting-for-a-sustainable-future-field-day-tickets-1076165041609?aff=oddtdtcreator

Living Carbon grants are proudly funded by the NSW Government as part of the Primary Industry Productivity and Abatement Program (PIPAP) and the NSW Koala Strategy. The grants focus on lowering the barriers that prevent landholders from entering the carbon market. The Living Carbon grants provide financial support to assist with the cost of establishing an environmental planting carbon project. They also focus on improving biodiversity and delivering co-benefits, in particular koala habitat for MidCoast projects.