Koala vehicle strike signage in Tinonee

Published on 30 January 2025

Koala Safe Spaces.jpg

MidCoast Council has implemented a number of management actions, including the recent installation of permanent wildlife warning signs on Tinonee Road, a known koala roadkill blackspot.

This follows the adoption of the MidCoast Koala Conservation Strategy in June last year. The new signs were selected in consultation with the Koala Reference Group and externally funded by the MidCoast Regional Koala Partnership. These signs include a message board which can be programmed to show a koala image, radar speed display, or other specific koala messaging as needed. Programming will take place in coming weeks.

The new design was selected with the goal of reducing sign fatigue by means of ongoing message reprogramming. The new signs bring the total to six, including two pre-existing static koala warning signs. A third koala warning sign which was at Deans Creek has been removed for repair of intermittent functionality issues, with the aim of redeployment in Tinonee. A vehicle activated wildlife sign has now been installed at the Deans Creek location.  A koala hotspot trailer sign was also located on Tinonee Road from mid-December to the end of January.

Currently, Council does not have empirical data to verify the efficacy of specific local signage. Emerging evidence suggests that in isolation, the impact of such signs on driver behaviour may be marginal. The effectiveness of these new vehicle activated signs will be monitored by means of the radar data the signs collect, along with koala vehicle strike data as available.   

As a Regional Partner under the NSW Koala Strategy, Council has received funding to implement a coordinated, multi-faceted approach to koala conservation. These actions include signage in priority areas as well as a number of other complementary initiatives. Among these is the removal of roadside weeds to help drivers spot koalas earlier, investigating underpass enhancement opportunities, and community education such as social media and radio advertisements which encourage drivers to slow down on any tree-lined road, especially in mating season. As a priority, Council is investing in conservation, improvement, and extension of koala habitat in safe areas away from high-speed roads.

Council has no jurisdiction over speed limits, with requests to Transport for NSW for a speed limit review on Tinonee Road unsuccessful so far. 

Council appreciates community interest and information on koala vehicle strikes or near misses. This is important information for ongoing management.  If you wish to report a koala sighting, please visit https://haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/koala-safe-spaces-program.

Injured koalas should be promptly reported to the nearest koala care organisation including Koalas In Care, Port Macquarie Koala Hospital and Port Stephens Koala Hospital.


Council will continue to work with the community, expert knowledge-holders, organisations, agencies and other partners to help koalas across the MidCoast region.