Hazard study for Seal Rocks Road

Published on 30 July 2021


An extensive hazard identification study is starting on Seal Rocks Road to assess the road’s stability after increasing landslips over the last decade.

“Landslips have been increasing in frequency, and with only one road route into and out of Seal Rocks, it’s vitally important that we ensure we can continue to provide access for the Seal Rocks community,” said MidCoast Council’s Manager of Transport Assets – Engineering, Scott Nicholson.

The first stage of the project will kick off on Monday 2 August, when Council’s consultants, Coffey Services Australia will undertake geotechnical drilling of approximately nine boreholes just outside the beachside road reserve in Seal Rocks village.

An engineering geologist will also undertake a site walkover to verify local geological conditions.

After a service locater is used to verify services prior to starting, a 100mm diameter hole is drilled to identify underground soil conditions. The hole is refilled and surface material replaced when the drilling work is complete.

“You’ll see taped-off areas and a small drill rig in the locations where work is being undertaken,” said Mr Nicholson.

While works are undertaken, the road will remain open for traffic, with caution signs. Please slow down and take care as workers will be present near the road reserves.

These initial works are expected to take around a week, weather permitting.

The Geophysical Hazard Assessment will take several more months to complete, and will include assessment of the effects of erosion and sea level rise on the road.

It will be used to inform the next study into possible road realignment options, with community consultation on those options to occur during 2022.

The final stage of the project will include extensive community consultation in late 2022 or 2023 to develop a road realignment plan for Seal Rocks, which will include the community’s preferences for the future of their village.

“Throughout the entire project, we will be partnering with the consultants to work closely with the Seal Rocks community, the Aboriginal Land Council and Worimi community, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment – Lands and other local stakeholders,” added Mr Nicholson.

Environmental values and Aboriginal heritage will be included in the studies to ensure we are considering the future impacts of present day decision making.

We are committed to keeping the community fully informed of this project and the findings of the studies. For more detail and updates on this project, visit the project page link at top of this page.