Have your say on the community’s plan for MidCoast’s future

Published on 28 January 2025

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It’s your last chance to provide feedback before the MidCoast 2035 Community Strategic Plan is considered for endorsement by Council.

Last year, more than 500 people from across the MidCoast got involved to develop the community’s plan for our region’s future. The plan guides how the whole MidCoast community including residents, businesses, community organisations, agencies and government, including MidCoast Council, can work together towards the community’s vision for its future.

“This plan is an important foundation for Council’s planning. It helps us understand the community’s priorities and then we develop our annual plans to address the areas that fall within our area of responsibility,” said Mayor Claire Pontin.

“We heard that maintaining infrastructure and roads, protecting the environment and improving Council’s financial sustainability are high priorities for our community.”

Other areas the community has identified as important include better access to health services, more affordable housing, improved business and employment opportunities and maintenance of our towns and villages, amongst others. The new draft Community Strategic Plan focuses on these community priorities.

You’re invited to review and provide any further feedback to help finalise the plan.

You can view the plan at www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/csp and leave any feedback until Monday 3 March 2025.

If you’re not online, you can drop your written feedback into one of our customer service centres or send to PO Box 482 Taree NSW 2430. Your mail must reach us by Monday 3 March.

All feedback will be considered for inclusion in the final MidCoast 2035 Community Strategic Plan.