Have your say on important document

Published on 21 May 2024

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Property owners have an opportunity to talk to council staff about the impact of the new draft Local Environment Plan (LEP) at a series of drop-in sessions across the region, starting in Taree on Thursday.

All land in the MidCoast is zoned into different categories ranging from residential, rural, employment, conservation recreation and waterways.

These zones dictate what you can and can’t be done in your neighbourhood, from how the land can be used to the types of buildings and heights allowed.

Council’s Director of Liveable Communities, Paul De Szell said the draft LEP is something everyone should take some time to check out.

“Originally there were three LEPs for each of the different Council areas,” he explained.

“But this is something our staff have been working hard on for years to bring them together to create one document for the entire region, it provides a more consistent approach.

“It’s an important document that affects all landowners in some way.”

Mr De Szell said in many cases the changes might be as minor as a name change for your particular zone.

Either way, he said it was important to review the draft and provide feedback.

Head to Council’s website to find out more information, use the interactive mapping tool or find a drop-in session to talk to Council planners about how it affects you.

Phone appointments are also available by calling 7955 7777 or by registering for a call back at www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/lep

Drop-in sessions:

  1. Taree: Taree Central Shopping Centre – 23 May 9am-7.30pm, 24-25 May, 9am-4pm
  2. Gloucester: outside Art Gallery -  28 May 9am-noon
  3. Forster:  Stocklands  -  30 May 9am-7.30pm, 30 May -1 June 9am-4pm
  4. Harrington: Harrington Waters Shopping Centre – 3 June 9am-noon
  5. Hallidays Point: Hallidays Point Library – 5 June 2pm-5pm
  6. Old Bar: Lauders Real Estate carpark – 7 June 2pm-5pm
  7. Bulahdelah: outside IGA – 11 June 10am-noon
  8. Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens: Hawks Nest Community Centre – 13 June 2pm-6pm
  9. Pacific Palms: community centre, 14 June 3pm-6pm
  10. Taree: Envirofair – 15 June 9am-4pm
  11. Wingham: outside Wingham Library – 17 June 9am-noon
  12. Stroud: outside museum – 19 June 10am-noon
  13. Nabiac: markets – 29 June 8am-noon