Have your say on draft Wingham Central Park master plan
Published on 16 September 2024
MidCoast Council is seeking feedback on the draft Wingham Central Park master plan which aims to improve social and recreational opportunities for the community.
The draft plan sets out a vision for the park that includes a covered stage to enable more music and community events to take place in the park, a new entry feature for the town and a white picket fence and walking track.
“In developing the draft plan, we have tried to balance out previous community feedback, design principles and maintain some of the park’s key features whilst also trying to enhance the space to provide a contemporary multi-use community space,” Council’s Manager of Strategy and Projects, Amanda Hatton explained.
Other suggestions for the park include removing the wall on the Bent and Isabella Street sides of the park and grading the park down to the road level. This is a return to the original design of the park and aims to showcase the heritage buildings that surround it and improve accessibility.
This aspect of the plan does impact on parking in Isabella Street and landscaping, however all elements of the plan are open to community feedback.
“We really encourage all members of the community to share their thoughts on the various aspects of the plan with us, so we can refine the plan before finalising it.”
To provide this feedback, the community can head to Council’s website and indicate support or otherwise for each of the individual elements proposed.
The plan relocates the playground for easier and safer access to amenities for families, as well as moves it away from the busy Isabella St. / Wynter St intersection and fall risk associated with the wall.
Other things for the community to also consider include whether they want the vampire jet and log relocated, or whether they want to retain them in their current location until their end of life.
The master plan will guide the future enhancements of the park and help with attracting funding for the various elements that end up in the final plan.
“It is also important to understand that the concept drawings in the plan indicate ideas, not final plans. Detailed designs will be developed and further consultation undertaken with the community will take place when funding is secured for the various elements, such as the stage.”
The draft plan is informed by feedback from two previous community engagement exercises, placemaking workshops in 2017 and the 2021 Wingham CBD Master Plan consultation as well as the MidCoast Open Space and Recreation Strategy.
Council engaged a third party to undertake a heritage impact assessment.
Key stakeholders, such as sporting and historical groups, will be consulted and copies of the draft master plan are available at various locations throughout Wingham, including the library and museum.
A number of drop-in sessions are scheduled for October so the community can talk to staff directly about their thoughts and ask questions.
To read the draft plan, find a list of pop-up times and locations or to have your say online, head to Draft Wingham Central Park Master Plan | Have Your Say (nsw.gov.au)
before 4.30pm Monday 4 November.