Have your say on community land on the MidCoast

Published on 13 June 2024

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Everyone is invited to provide feedback on the long-term strategic direction for the use and management of community land in the MidCoast region.

The Draft MidCoast Community Land (Generic) Plan of Management, which has been developed with input from the community, will be on public exhibition until Wednesday 24 July 2024.

The plan guides the management of our parks, sportsgrounds, general community land and natural areas, including bushland, wetland, foreshore areas, watercourses and escarpments.

It allows Council to lease, license and hire the land and any facilities and buildings on the land. It also specifies where Council can develop and build on community land.

The plan ensures that the use of crown reserves considers Aboriginal rights and interests. It also applies to Crown land that Council manages for the use of the general public. Crown land is owned by the State of New South Wales for the benefit of all.

The plan will guide the management of the 837 parks and reserves in the MidCoast. In some cases, site-specific plans of management are also in place. 

“The plan will guide Council to manage land and facilities that meet the needs of the community for the next five to 10 years,” said Council’s Manager Strategy and Projects, Amanda Hatton.

“We understand how much the community values our outdoor spaces and natural areas, so we need your feedback to ensure the plan for their management reflects your vision for these areas.”

As a requirement of the Local Government Act, a public hearing will be held as part of the engagement. The hearing will be conducted by an independent person at MidCoast Council Chambers on Tuesday 9 July, from 5 – 7pm. Anyone can attend.

Each member of the public will have one opportunity to speak in relation to a category of land referring to a specific parcel of land. Following the hearing, a report will be provided to Council, and made available to the community.

Have your say on the draft plan until 4.30pm Wednesday 24 July 2024, www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/Community-Land-POM