Have your say on Council’s 2024-25 budget and projects
Published on 29 May 2024
MidCoast Council’s Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024-25 are on exhibition until 7 June.
“Each year, we ask the community to view our four-year Delivery Program, as well as our annual Operational Plan and budget,” said Mayor Claire Pontin.
“These documents show, at a high level, what we intend to achieve and how we will fund our activities.
“We’d love to have your feedback before Council finalises these important documents.”
One of the focus areas in Council’s Delivery Program is long-term financial sustainability. Over 40% of Councils in NSW do not have sufficient revenue to adequately fund infrastructure renewal, such as roads and buildings, into the future. MidCoast Council is one of the 53 Councils facing this challenge.
Regional and rural Councils in particular have been lobbying the NSW Government to create a fairer system for allocating funds from the Federal Government. One which recognises the smaller rate base and larger area that most country Councils have to work with.
Mayor Pontin explained that until now, there hasn’t been much recognition that country Councils and residents are disadvantaged by the system. The current inquiry by the NSW parliament into the ability of local governments to fund infrastructure and services provides some hope for change. The inquiry will report on a number of important issues for local government including the level of income Councils require to meet the needs of their community; the effects of State Government cost shifting; and whether the current revenue models available to Councils are effective.
“Council welcomes the inquiry and we have provided input. However, we have decided to implement our own Financial Sustainability Plan,” said Mayor Pontin.
“We are determined to stretch our small budget as far as we can to deliver the best possible service and invest more into future asset renewal. This means we are decreasing some of our discretionary expenditure to better deliver our core services.”
Community members are encouraged to view the draft plan to see how Council activities aim to deliver our services, including all seven high priority areas – improving customer service, development assessment, economic development, cultural activities, local and regional roads, climate change actions, and financial sustainability.
Council’s Draft Delivery Program is guided by the community’s vision as expressed in the MidCoast Community Strategic Plan, MidCoast 2032: Shared Vision, Shared Responsibility.
You can view the Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024-25 which includes the annual budget and fees and charges at https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/DPOP-2024.
Have your say by Friday 7 June 2024.