Forster Foreshore plan of management

Published on 19 March 2025

forster foreshore (1).jpg

The Forster Foreshore draft plan of management was adopted at the 26 February 2025 Ordinary Council Meeting.

The plan was developed with community user groups and will provide a long-term strategic plan for the management of this important site.

It outlines how the community land that makes up the Forster foreshore will be managed for the next 5–10 years. It includes key actions to maintain and improve the land and facilities to meet the needs of the community and visitors to the area.

The plan of management was open for submissions from 9 September – 17 October 2024.

Community feedback resulted in some changes to the plan.

Changes to the plan include updating the surf club’s image to reflect the footprint of the new building.

Some wording in the plan has been amended.

The copy has been amended to say: ‘create a car park in the lot immediately east of Ronald MacDonald Family Retreat with appropriate screen planting (3 - 10years)’ and ‘extend marina jetty and other boating infrastructure noted in the MidCoast Recreational Boating Infrastructure Plan to attract new boating clientele’.

Some feedback relates to other Council strategies and plans for nearby sites and facilities.

The Forster foreshore area is bound by the ocean and an estuary entrance to Wallis Lake. It includes a headland at the northern end of Forster township. Both commercial and recreational areas are included in the plan, as well as vehicle and pedestrian access points.

Forster foreshore area is mostly crown land that Council manages for the use of the general public. Crown land is owned by the State of New South Wales for the benefit of all persons.

Council can lease or licence crown land and any facilities and buildings on the land for no more than 30 years, and the land cannot be sold.

The plan ensures Aboriginal rights and interests will be considered.

To read the final plan, head to