Disability Inclusion Action Plan check-in

Published on 10 March 2025

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Do you live with a disability or care for someone who does? We want to hear how you find living with a disability on the MidCoast.

This feedback will help us to check in on how we are achieving the outcomes in the Disability Inclusion Action Plan we developed with the community in 2022.

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 plan supports MidCoast Council’s commitment to creating more inclusive communities.

“The Disability Inclusion Action Plan has helped us to identify the barriers and challenges faced by those in our community who are living with a disability, as well as their carers, family and friends,” Alex Mills, MidCoast Council’s Manager Libraries, Community and Cultural Services.

“The Plan will guide our activities until 2026. We will continue to advocate for improvements in the areas identified by our community members with lived experiences.”

The check-in survey is now live, click here to have your say.

We will also be holding several drop-ins across the region to assist you in providing feedback and to have a conversation.

Join us in Gloucester, Taree, Forster, Tea Gardens and Harrington during March and April. Our first drop-in will be from 10.30am – 12.30pm on Wednesday 12 March at Taree Library.

“We want a true reflection of how we are meeting the outcomes identified in the Plan, and we can’t do that without your feedback,” Mr Mills said.

“It’s important for us to ensure that everybody has the same opportunities to participate in life and activities here on the MidCoast. The check-in survey will help us to gauge where we are at and prioritise our activities moving forward.”

The check-in survey for people living with a disability, and their carers will be live until Wednesday 30 April.

Click here to learn more and find the full list of drop-in dates and locations.