Council offers swimming pool management contracts

Published on 25 July 2024


MidCoast Council will offer contracts for the management of the Tea Gardens swimming pool and the Wingham Memorial swimming pool.

Hughes Swimming Pty Ltd is the successful tenderer for the Tea Gardens swimming pool. The Friends of Wingham Pool Inc. is the preferred tenderer for the Wingham Memorial pool.

The contracts will be for a period of three years, with an option for two additional one-year extensions.

“This decision delivers a cost saving for ratepayers and will enhance the services offered for all residents,” Council’s Director of Liveable Communities, Paul De Szell said.

The decision is the final outcome of Council’s swimming pools operations review. The review included extensive community consultation from November 2023 – February 2024.

Other outcomes included:

  • Belgravia Leisure Group being awarded the contract to manage both the Manning and Great Lakes Aquatic and Leisure Centres after YMCA announced it would not seek to renew its management contract
  • Council continuing to manage the Bulahdelah, Krambach, Nabiac and Stroud swimming pools as unsupervised facilities. There will be controlled access through a membership pass (paid) and electronic entry system
  • All swimming pools will have small increases in entry fees. This is part of the annual increase in Council’s fees and charges
  • No changes to the operation of Gloucester swimming pool.

More information on the swimming pool review, outcomes and the community engagement reports can be found on the link above.