Council helps local businesses meet food safety standards

Published on 05 November 2024

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Free food safety seminars will be held in Forster and Gloucester during November and local food business owners and their staff are encouraged to attend.

MidCoast Council’s Manager of Environmental Health and Regulatory Services, Dave Battese, said it was a great way for those in the industry to stay up to date.

“Food safety standards are regulated by the NSW Food Authority and local councils in NSW,” explained Mr Battese.

“Our main focus is supporting business owners and providing tools they can use to improve their skills and train their staff.

“Safe food handling is good for everyone. It helps you get repeat business and builds consumer confidence in our region.”

At these seminars, Environmental Health Officers will answer questions, discuss how the new food standards may be applied, and highlight common pitfalls.

The seminars will be held at: 

  • Forster Civic Centre, 4 Lake Street, Forster on Monday 25 November 2pm to 5pm
  • Gloucester MidCoast Council Customer Service Point, 89 King Street, Gloucester on Wednesday 27 November 2pm to 5pm

Light refreshments will be provided. Please book your spot for Forster at or Gloucester at

A reminder that school canteens, children's services that supply food, supermarkets, greengrocers, delis, and coffee vendors that sell food have until 8 December 2024 to comply with the new Food Standard 3.2.2A. More information is available at