Be ready for tougher restrictions
Published on 08 November 2019
With Very High (Level 3) water restrictions beginning on Monday 11 November, MidCoast Council is warning there are tougher restrictions on the way soon, unless decent rainfall occurs in our catchment areas.
"Right now is the driest conditions in over 130 years with the lowest average river flows from 75 years of records. We are facing the most severe water shortage across the MidCoast region ever recorded. We will require everyone to assist in conserving water, so together we can get through this drought," said Council's Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Rob Scott.
Using weather forecasts and water usage modelling, MidCoast staff are planning for more severe water shortages ahead. At this stage, it is possible that a further increase in water restrictions to Severe (Level 4) will be needed in December.
We have to face the possibility that some of our smaller water supplies, such as Gloucester, may enter emergency restrictions. This has never occurred before in our region. We are making plans just in case emergency supplies need to be accessed.
"We are developing options for short term emergency supply of water including getting as much as possible out of our current systems. There are many considerations we must take into account, to find the economic solutions to deliver a high quality water product to our community," said Rob Scott.
"We will keep our community informed as the situation changes."
More than ever before, everyone is urged to comply with water restrictions and help to save as much water as possible. If everyone reduces their usage right across our area, it adds up to a lot of water saved. Apart from following restrictions yourself, you can help by spreading the word to your neighbours. You can explore more ways to save water at
Check if your workplace, school and the businesses you shop at, are following restrictions - there is information on the link above to help everyone save water. Complying with restrictions is a whole of community effort, with Council operations, businesses and holiday makers all required to curb water use.
There is also a possibility, as restrictions continue, that you may experience reduced water pressure at home. This will occur as Water Service teams reduce supply system water leaks and wastage by lowering the pressure.
"Through good management and some fortunate light rainfall at the right times, we were able to keep Bootawa Dam at full capacity right up until early October. Our community is efficient with water use.
"That, coupled with the amazing response of our community in sticking to Moderate Level 1 restrictions, has meant that together we have avoided the need to tighten restrictions until now."
For more information on water restrictions, and handy fact sheets and posters, please visit