A new approach to rezoning

Published on 09 March 2022


The NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s aim to reduce the complexity of the rezoning process has been welcomed by MidCoast Council.

Council recently made a submission, endorsed by Councillors, to the department’s discussion paper on ‘A new approach to rezonings in NSW’. 

The purpose of the discussion paper was to identify ways to strengthen the support for a strategic approach within existing planning legislation.

In the submission Council welcomed and expressed support for reducing the complexity of the rezoning process.

“The reforms aim to cut the red tape, improve transparency and reduce timeframes for rezonings,” Council’s Director of Liveable Communities, Paul De Szell, said.

“We welcome changes that aim to reduce timeframes as we are currently waiting up to nine months for rezoning amendments to be finalised.”

Mr De Szell said the State’s proposed approach is more closely aligned with the development application process and specifically encourages combined rezoning and development applications to support economic activity and reduce timeframes.

“This approach would see a rezoning application publicly exhibited on the NSW Planning Portal shortly after it is forwarded to Council.”

This process would also allow the applicant to review public submissions before potentially amending their rezoning application and resubmitting it for Council assessment.