Published on 05 February 2025
Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.
They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.
They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.
Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.
For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found here Agendas and minutes
Items of interest - 5 February 2025 Council meeting
Mayor Claire Pontin acknowledged the recent passing of Dr David Keegan.
Dr Keegan significantly contributed to the MidCoast region both as a General Practitioner and as a Councillor. Dr Keegan was first elected to Greater Taree City Council in 2008 and served until the merger in 2016. He was re-elected to MidCoast in 2017 and served until 2021.
Eight notices of motion were received which were discussed and determined.
Councillor Mick Graham’s first notice of motion was in relation to councillors receiving agendas for Council meetings earlier. The motion was not supported by Councillors.
Another motion from Councillor Graham sought to remove the Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country in Council meetings. The motion was voted down and an alternative motion from Councillor Digby Wilson was supported which saw Council reaffirm its commitment to strengthening relationships with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of the MidCoast and continue with welcome ceremonies and acknowledgement of country at meetings and in documents and emails.
A third motion from Councillor Graham sought to change the Council meeting times from 2pm until 6pm. The motion was lost.
Councillor Mal McKenzie’s notice of motions included reversing the wording change on all properties rates notices effected where the wording was changed from Residential Rural to Residential. The motion was not supported.
A second from Councillor McKenzie regarding onsite sewage management charge was amended so that the fees will be considered at the forthcoming fees and charges review.
Councillor Phillip Beazley withdrew one notice of motion and tabled two others.
The first was in relation to the creation of another LEP. The motion was not supported.
The night life in Forster Tuncurry is set to improve after Councillors approved a change in trading hours for the Lakes and Oceans Hotel. Current restrictions allow the site to operate from 10am until 12am Monday to Saturday and 10am until 10pm Sunday. The change means the venue will be able to operate from 5am until 2am Monday to Sunday.
Reconstruction work on Manning Street is a step closer after Councillors awarded the contract for the work to Jim Anderson Earthmoving Pty Ltd.
This section of road provides access to Taree’s two major shopping centres. Once the work begins the work will be completed during the day and night shifts to maintain access to businesses.
Shop top housing – 13 Beach Street Harrington
Councillors approved a development request for shop top housing for two commercial units and four residential units at 13 Beach Street Harrington.
The development is two storeys with the lower floor commercial/retail and the first floor containing residential units. It will involve two commercial units and four residential units each containing two bedrooms, open plan kitchen, living and dining, laundry and bathrooms, a study nook and a balcony.
For full details of all reports please see the meeting agenda.