Summary: Council meeting 28 June 2023

Published on 28 June 2023

What happens at a Council meeting?

Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.

They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.

They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.

Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.

For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found here.

Items of interest - 28 June 2023 Council meeting

Items of interest  Summary 

Mayoral Minute


Mayor Claire Pontin presented a Mayoral minute to the meeting that recommended the noting the NSW Audit Office Performance Audit – Financial Management and Governance in MidCoast Council Report 2023 and its recommendations and asked the General Manager to provide six-month progress reports on the implementation of recommendations from the Performance Audit from December.

Mayor Pontin’s minute explained the background of the audit and that Council’s responses were available to the community on our website.

She noted that while the report identifies some further work that is required, it acknowledged that Council has been improving its financial management and governance processes over the period of the audit.

The audit reports a trend of continuous improvement over the period of the audit, which demonstrates the focus Council, the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee, and Council’s Administration have placed on improving financial management and governance.

The Mayor also noted Council’s reservations, that were made known to the Audit Office prior to the commencement of the audit relating to the audit only being conducted across one Council rather than the usual process of two or three Councils, which would have provided useful benchmarks from other councils.

Councillors unanimously voted to support the Mayor’s motion for progress reports on actions outlined in the audit report.

Concept development DA application at Surfside Avenue Forster

A DA for a 33 lot Torrens Title subdivision of land and construction of 33 dwellings at Surfside Forster was approved subject to conditions.

The development site is located within the recently formed residential subdivision known as ‘Summer Green’ and there are a number of new residential dwellings being established within the area. Beyond this, the surrounding development is typically low density residential in all directions, along with the Great Lakes College (Forster Campus), located to the west of the site, Golden Ponds Retirement Village to the north-west, and a portion of semi-rural land to the east.

Tuncurry Childcare Centre DA


A DA seeking consent for the construction of a childcare centre and associated structures adjoining the existing Church and Hall at 11 Chapmans Road Tuncurry was approved subject to conditions. The works include alterations to the existing hall and church structures as well as additional buildings, outdoor play areas, carparking and landscaping.

The Child Care Centre is proposed to operate between 07:30am and 05:30pm Monday to Friday and cater for a range of children of varying ages. A minimum of 15 staff will be at the centre, with a total 69 children at any one time. The DA attracted 23 submissions during the public notification period and could not be determined under delegation.

Hallidays Point Place Strategy

A report was tabled and accepted by Councillors that advised that the preparation of the draft Hallidays Point Place Strategy will now be completed through the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Place delivery Group Program. The preparation of the plan has been underway since mid-last year when Council engaged with the community on the future of the area. The project has since been on hold while technical studies, including traffic, ecology and bushfire considerations, were underway.

Local heritage fund

A total of $29,000 has been allocated to owners of heritage buildings in the MidCoast as part of the Local Heritage Fund. The funding provides an incentive for owners to maintain their heritage properties and undertake restoration works. The funding is supported by a $6000 allocation from Heritage NSW.

MidCoast Economic Development Strategy 


Councillors approved the amended Economic Development Strategy for 2023-2028.

This strategy sets out how we will drive economic growth across the MidCoast based on the objectives of ‘attract’ and ‘grow’. The strategy provides a plan of action and demonstrates the joint responsibilities between Council, local business and industry and residents.

A total of 40 submissions were received raising key topics such as project plans and funding, housing, development, Council culture, river navigation and investment promotions.

The Mayor thanked all those who had contributed to the development of the strategy and those who provided feedback during the exhibition period.

Developer contributions – Hawks Nest


Councillors approved the report requesting for the allocation of developer contributions for the upgrade of the Hawks Nest Community Centre. The report recommended the total amount of $300,000 be allocated to the project. This will allow the long-awaited upgrade for the community centre to proceed.

Council will continue to make representations to Kate Washington MP for funding support to reduce what might be required to be funded from developer contributions.

Wingham Racecourse master plan


Councillors accepted the draft Wingham Racecourse Master Plan be put to public exhibition.

The draft plan has been developed in consultation with existing users and community stakeholder groups. Facilities and services at the old Wingham Racecourse have been reviewed and the draft masterplan will guide future works at the site.

The masterplan uses the original racetrack as a walking track, and includes areas that are accessible to all and areas that are bookable and have uses restricted to clubs and organisations that have made arrangements with council.

Arts and Creative Industries Reference Group



A MidCoast Arts and Creative Industries Reference Group will be established with Councillors Pontin, Tickle and Miller resolved to be the Councillor representatives on the group. Expressions of interest will be called from the community.

Roads and bridges projects update

A report on the major capital works underway in the transport, water and wastewater area provided updates on a number of the major projects underway, including:

  • Northern Gateway, Cundletown – Industrial access road under construction, including the second roundabout. Project completion expected December 2023.
  • Farquhar / Bent Street, Wingham – Intersection upgrade to offset-T commenced in April and scheduled for completion in September 2023.
  • Lansdowne Road – Reconstruction of 600m of rural road was completed in June.
  • The Branch Lane – Extension of 1.3km of sealed road network was completed in May.
  • Work is underway on six sections of The Bucketts Way, with three sections completed over the last two months.
  • Wingham Road/Youngs Road – Intersection upgrade and reconstruction of 1.5km of pavement. Works continuing with expected completion in July 2023.
  • Wingham Road, Kolodong – Reconstruction and widening for a 1.8km stretch of sealed road including three roundabout intersections. The project was completed in May.
  • Sewer and water mains renewal projects are also underway at a number of sites in Harrington, Smiths Lake, Hallidays Point, Hawks Nest, Forster, Manning Point, Taree South, Tuncurry, Stroud, Old Bar, Pacific Palms and more.

For more details on the full list of capital works underway, see report 15.8 on agenda for the 28 June.

Road Strategy update

The report provided an update on the progress towards completion of the Roads Strategy which Councillors noted and accepted.

The draft strategy is expected to be reported to Council in October 2023 following further Councillor workshops on the new condition data, revaluation modelling outputs and service levels. Workshops will also be held for Councillors to discuss the assumptions made, the timing of proposed continuing work, the options proposed and the appropriate service levels for transport assets.

Draft Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy

Councillors accepted the recommendation to put the Draft Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy and its supported documents on public exhibition. This strategy sets out our 30-year plan for the sustainable and affordable delivery of our water services to the community. It relates to management of all sources of water including drinking water, sewage and stormwater.

The strategy has been developed with a wide range of community and industry input over the last 12 to 18 months and is a blueprint for the future.

Adoption of operational plan



Councillors voted to accept drafts of the Delivery Program (2022-2026) and the Operational Plan 2023-24). The report considered submissions in response to both plans being out on public exhibition and provided an outline of the proposed changes and sought the adoption of the programs.

This included the adoption of the budget and fees and charges for 2023-24.

Manning Valley Hockey Association

Councillors accepted a recommendation to approve a request for a two-year payment extension from the Manning Valley Hockey Association. In 2018 Council resolved to borrow funds ($800,000) as partial funding towards the construction of a third synthetic hockey surface at the Taree Recreation Grounds. Council borrowed these funds and is repaying them over a 10-year period.

Council undertook this borrowing on behalf of the Manning Valley Hockey Association Inc (MVHA), with the Association to repay this loan to Council over a 20-year period.

Forster Surf Lifesaving Club


A sum of $800,000 from section 7.11 developer contributions will be allocated to the Forster Surf Lifesaving Club towards the construction of the new Surf Club building.


For full details of all reports please see the agenda for the meeting which can be found here.