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Published on 26 June 2024
Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.
They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.
They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.
Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.
For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found with the agendas and minutes.
Notice of motion
Councillors supported a motion that representations are made to the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads requesting the reclassification of a section of the Lakes Way (from Failford Road to Rainbow Flat) as a State Road.
The motion also called for Council to liaise with Port Stephens and Walcha Councils to put in joint submissions for reclassification of The Bucketts Way and Thunderbolts Way, and that the southern section of the Lakes Way also be considered for application for reclassification.
MidCoast Koala Conservation Strategy
The MidCoast Koala Conservation Strategy was adopted by Councillors.
This follows a period of public exhibition, during which there were 38 submissions from the community and government agencies in relation to the strategy.
Implementation of the actions outlined in the strategy will require the allocation of funding. There are 30 actions that are already underway and significant government funding of $3 million has already been obtained by Council to deliver a range of projects over the next two years.
Visitor services
A review of visitor services activities, in particular the trial of a business partnership program for the provision of visitor services in the Taree/Manning area and the Myall Lakes area, was presented to Councillors.
The report outlined the trial of the business partnership program and the feedback provided which has resulted in a change of approach, reducing the Visitor Information Points to three.
These will be the Wingham Museum, Manning Regional Art Gallery and Myall Arts and Crafts Centre. These three locations compliment the visitor services offered by our two accredited centres at Forster and Gloucester as well as the volunteer run and uncredited Bulahdelah centre.
There will also be continued delivery of visitor servicing through Council facilities including libraries and customer service offices, among which is the Customer Service and Administration Centre at Yalawanyi Ganya.
Reducing the number of locations will allow for a more strategic effort in providing high quality services.
MidCoast recreational boating infrastructure plan
Councillors adopted the document that had previously been out on public exhibition. During that period 37 submissions were made by the community.
A number of changes were made to the document as a direct result of the community input.
The plan can be seen by visiting Council’s website.
Local heritage fund
Council’s Local Heritage Fund will continue to provide financial assistance to owners of heritage places in the region to help undertake restorative works.
Councillors accepted the report which provides a $29,000 budget which includes a $6,500 grant from Heritage NSW.
Generally, the grants provided to each landowner are up to $2,000 but a maximum of $5,000 can be offered in exceptional circumstances. The applicant must also provide at least 50 percent of the total cost of the project.
As part of the funding program, a sum of $5,000 will be allocated towards a new clock mechanism for the Wingham Memorial Town Hall.
Proposed Stroud SES facility
Stroud’s new the SES facility will be constructed on the unformed section of Gloucester Street in Stroud.
Councillors adopted the report which highlighted that proceeding with this site as recommended has no further cost associated for the community. The costs of construction are fully funded through a State Government grant.
Council’s general rate income will increase by 5.2 per cent being the approved rate peg announced by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).
In moving to accept the rate rise, Councillors referred to it as the financially responsible decision to make, and that any move to not increase rates would have an impact on the provision of services to the community.
Rate increases approved by IPART are designed to allow Councils to increase rates to keep pace with the changing costs of providing services.
Councillors voted for the draft policy to be put on public exhibition for 25 days.
Changes made to the policy include implementing the Transport for NSW mobility requirements for a restricted permit, rather than the practice of obtaining a doctor’s certificate.
In proposing this change, Council did not intend to change the access arrangements for anyone with a genuine need for access based on their reduced mobility.
Council will write to all current holders of restricted beach vehicle access permits who reside in the MidCoast government area to advise them about proposed changes.
The Great Lakes Women Shelter will take ownership of the Council land they operate on following Council’s decision to sell the land.
The organisation had obtained a 20-year lease on the land and developed, constructed and eventually opened the women’s shelter in September 2022.
Along with the previous agreements and the intent of Council’s previous resolutions to support the organisation it was recommended the land be sold to the Women’s Shelter for $3,000.
For full details of all reports please see the meeting agenda.