Summary: Council meeting 26 February 2025

Published on 26 February 2025

What happens at a Council meeting?

Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.

They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.

They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.

Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.

For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found here Agendas and minutes

Items of interest - 26 February 2025 Council meeting

Items of interest  Summary 

Local Environmental Plan

The draft MidCoast Local Environmental Plan (LEP) has been endorsed by Councillors and will now be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for the final stages of approval.

The LEP outlines plans for local development and land use and has been the subject of extensive community consultation over several years.

More than 51,000 letters were sent to landholders as part of the consultation process which also included conversations with over 1700 people, along with 429 phone appointments and email enquiries.

More than 500 submissions were received during the consultation period, along with two petitions. This feedback has been considered and various changes made to the draft LEP as a result.

Development Activity and Assessment report October – December 2024 

Councillors noted a report which provides an overview of development assessment and building certification activities for the period from 1 October to 31 December 2024. It includes data on application volumes, determination times, and comparisons to other councils.

Development and building activity has followed recent trends indicating a return to application volumes received in 2019 and 2020.

During this reporting period Council received 1558 customer requests in relation to development assessment and building certification. This equates to 11 percent of all requests lodged during the quarter.

Only two other Councils had more applications assessed being Lake Macquarie with 774 and Newcastle with 536 compared to MidCoast Council’s 487.

Forster Foreshore Plan of Management

The final Forster Foreshore Plan of Management was officially adopted by Councillors, following extensive community consultation. The plan has been approved by the Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment and is now ready for implementation, ensuring the effective management of this significant coastal area.

Public Toilets in Parks Strategy 2024-2035

Councillors formally adopted the Public Toilets in Parks Strategy, which forms part of the broader Open Space and Recreation Strategy. This plan addresses the management, enhancement, and potential removal of public toilets at 108 locations across the region, based on their usage and proximity to community spaces.

Community engagement strategy – exhibition

A draft Community Engagement Strategy will be placed on public exhibition for community feedback.

This strategy outlines how Council will communicate and engage with the community over the strategy’s lifespan. It provides the community with expectations on how engagement will be done, including principles, objectives, methods, and tools for engagement.

Tender for Blackhead skatepark construction

The Blackhead skatepark is a step closer with Councillors awarding the tender to VFG Skate Parks Pty Ltd. These works are expected to be completed by June 30, 2025.

Tender – reconstruction of Muldoon Street from Wingham Road to Railway Crossing

Work on the reconstruction of Muldoon Street from Wingham Road to the Railway Crossing is a step closer after Councillors awarded the contract for the work to Alliance Construction Group. The work will be a continuation of the Muldoon Street upgrade works as a main road to the Taree industrial district. The work will include deep lift asphalt, replacement of damaged kerb and gutter and stormwater improvements.

Economic and destination development activity update July – December 2024 

The report provided Councillors with an update on the general state of the MidCoast economy and Council’s activity in supporting growth.

A key highlight was the presentation of the MidCoast Economic Outlook and Industry Analysis Report, a pioneering document that offers valuable insights into the local economy. This report will guide the Council in identifying strategic actions to enhance the region's economic future.

The full Economic Outlook report was presented to Council in November 2024, and can be found on Council’s website

During this time Council also received ECO Destination accreditation, Barrington Coast was one of only three destinations in Australia to make the Top 100 Green Destinations list.

Reporting on Councillor expenses 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024

Councillors are required to provide a report on their expenses every six months. The report, which covers areas such as travel, conferences, professional development, and home office expenses, will be made publicly available on the Council's website. The report will detail both individual and total expenses for all Councillors, ensuring transparency.

Amendment to Council meeting schedule 2025

There will be a change to the Council Meeting schedule to accommodate for the Australian Local Government Assembly. The originally set date of Wednesday 25 June will now move to Monday 30 June. No other changes have been made to the schedule. 

Financial sustainability action plan - update

A six-monthly update on the implementation of our Financial Sustainability Action Plan was provided to Councillors.

The action plan was developed in response to the independent financial sustainability review undertaken by the AEC Group in July 2023. AEC’s final report and the MidCoast Council Financial Sustainability Action Plan were presented to Council in May 2024. The Action Plan six monthly progress report ensures Council’s improvement path is documented.

For full details of all reports please see the meeting agenda.