Summary: Council meeting 23 March 2022

Published on 23 March 2022

What happens at a Council meeting?

Councillors are our elected representatives and come together to represent the views and make decisions on behalf of their community.

They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.

Councillors meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.

Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled. For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found here.

Decisions of interest - 23 March 2022 Council meeting

Decisions of interest  Summary 
64 projects underway to improve community spaces

There are currently 64 projects underway across the region to improve public spaces, including amenities, sporting ground, playground, park and beach access upgrades.

Over the past months 13 projects have been completed - including the following:

  • storage sheds at Bulahdelah Showground and Wingham Tigers Junior Rugby League Club,
  • playgrounds at Tuncurry Rockpool and Old Bar Park,
  • fish cleaning tables, dog park at Harrington,
  • lighting at Wingham tennis club,
  • Blackhead path and outdoor gym,
  • Croki recreation area amenities and landscaping,
  • Nabiac showground kiosk,
  • $50,000 park furniture program; and
  • $40,00 park signage program.
MidCoast Ageing Strategy The MidCoast Ageing Strategy 2022-2026 was formally endorsed. This strategy outlines actions that aim to improve the lives of people aged 65 years and older living in and visiting the MidCoast local government area. The strategy identifies key stakeholders who can assist with implementation.
Land acquisition

Council resolved to progress with the acquisition of land to allow for the widening of a section of Old Bar Road between Redbank Cemetery and Metz Road.

Audit Risk and Improvement committee annual report ARIC is a committee of Council, responsible for reviewing Council’s strategic and operational plans and risks across a broad range of governance matters. The objective of the committee is to provide independent assurance and assistance to the Council on risk management, control, governance, internal audit, organisational performance and external accountability responsibilities. The committee is also to provide information to the Council for the purpose of improving the Council’s performance of its functions. There were six audits undertaken in 2020-21 including a financial health check and audits of project management, work health and safety, records management, fuel cards and motor vehicle registration and driver licensing functions.
Financial statement submissions A report on the submissions received from members of the public on the 2020-21 financial statements was tabled. Two submissions were received and have been provided to the Audit Office of NSW. Based on the content no changes have been made to the reports.
Roads and bridges improvements underway

The major projects reported on included the completion of the concrete roundabout at the Northern Gateway, Cundletown (work is still underway on pavement tie-ins and drainage), the roundabout at Farquhar and Primrose Street Wingham, and reconstruction of 350 metres of road Diamond Beach Road.

Work is continuing on improvements to Cowper Street Taree and Likely Street Forster.

Approximately three kilometres of road is being reconstructed at Waitui Road, Hannam Vale.

As part of the rural rehabilitation program and the regional rehabilitation program work is underway at:

  • Avalon Road, Dyers Crossing
  • The Bucketts Way, Allworth
  • The Bucketts Way, Stony Creek
  • The Lakes Way, Palm Lakes
  • The Lakes Way, Boolambayte
  • The Lakes Way, Wattley Hill
  • The Bucketts Way, Mill Creek
  • Wingham Road / Youngs Road
  • The Lakes Way / Blackhead Road roundabout

Bridge renewals have been completed at:

  • Parsons Bridge,
  • Little Tiri Bridge,
  • Killabakh Creek Bridge,
  • Yarratt Road,
  • Mooral Creek Bridge

Work is also expected to be completed on bridges at Curricabark Road Gloucester and Cox Bridge Caparra over the coming months.

Water and waste water improvement programs

A range of programs are underway to maintain and improve water and waste water systems.

These include renewal programs for sewer treatment plants, sewer pump station switchboards, water mains, chemical systems, and SCADA systems.

A smart meter trial is continuing in Stroud Road and has helped to identify concealed leaks.

Updates were also provided on the following projects:

  • Gloucester Reservoir and associated mains
  • Gloucester Sewage Treatment Plant Replacement
  • Hallidays Point Sewer Pump Station no.13
  • Pacific Palms Sewage Treatment Plant, Stage 1
  • Hawks Nest SewageTreatment Plant
  • Nabiac Water Treatment Plant upgrade and borefield expansion.

The meeting also resolved to:

  • lodge a request to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to manage a planning proposal to amend the zoning in several areas of Crown Land used by the Wallis Lake Recreation Clubs
  • request the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to allow Council to progress to community consultation on a planning proposal to rezone 3.8 hectares of land in South Forster from rural landscape to low density residential and environmental conservation. The intended outcome is to allow for the development of residential lots.

It was resolved to award contracts for:

  • the replacement of overhead electricity and communication services with underground services in the Whitbread industrial estate in Taree. This project is funded by ReStart NSW to support economic growth and increased productivity for businesses in the area.
  • The upgrade of 1500 metres of Wingham Road at Kolodong. The project includes three roundabouts, road widening, road realignment and stormwater drainage works.

Council will also enter into negotiations for the repair of landslips on Bulga Road, between Bobin and Elands.

For full details of all reports please see the agenda for the meeting which can be found here.