Summary: Council meeting 23 August 2023

Published on 23 August 2023

What happens at a Council meeting?

Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.

They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.

They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.

Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.

For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found here.

Items of interest - 23 August 2023 Council meeting

Items of interest  Summary 

Demolition of existing structures and construction of an 11 story mixed use building – Manning Lane Tuncurry

A development application seeking consent for the demolition of existing structures at 9-11 Manning Lane Tuncurry (motel accommodation and restaurant ‘Blackie’s’) and the construction of an 11-storey mixed used building with a basement car park in its place was deferred to invite the applicants to submit amended plans.

The application for an 11-storey building was outside of the Great Lakes Local Environment Plan due to the height of the building, which was more than 10 per cent above the designated allowed height.

Councillors resolved to invite the applicant to submit a revised application to delete a floor from their proposal to achieve compliance with the LEP.

Revised plans will be considered at the October meeting if submitted, if amended plans are not submitted Council will determine the application based on the information provided.

Tender for Northern Gateway Airport / Transport Hub master plan

Councillors accepted the recommendation to award the contract for the principal consultant in the development of the Northern Gateway Airport and Transport Hub Masterplan to Ethos Urban Pty Ltd.

The first stage of the Northern Gateway Transport Hub is currently under construction and includes the Cundletown roundabout and access road into the transport hub to enable the devleopment of recently rexoned industrial land.

This stage of the project was funded by a $15 million State Government grant.

The master plan, and supporting documents, will provide guidance for the future development for the sites identified and leverage the new roads todevelop and link the transport hub and the airport.

It will investigate and identify the demand for, and opportunities to maximise transport and other related business opportunities for the Taree, MidCoast and wider region. It will look at both road and air transport opportunities.

The project will develop a range of plans to ensure the transport hub and airport sites can be used and developed in the most efficient way.

The development of the master plan is fully funded by the State Government’s Business Case and Strategy Development fund.

North Tuncurry Urban Release area – Statement of intent for a draft planning agreement

A report was tabled to Councillors regarding the status of the North Tuncurry Urban Release Area proposed by the State Government  and to seek Council’s support for the preparation of a draft planning agreement.

The draft planning agreement is required to ensure that ongoing ownership, including operating, maintenance and replacement liabilities will not be a financial burden to Council and the community.

The North Tuncurry Urban Release Area is located on the eastern side of The Lakes Way, north of the Tuncurry Campus of the Great Lakes College.

The North Tuncurry Urban Release contains 615 hectares of Crown Land that has now been rezoned to deliver more than 2,100 new homes, jobs, services, conservation and recreation land. The Minister for Planning approved the rezoning of the land in March 2023 by amending the Great Lakes Local Environmental Plan 2014.

The rezoning is the first step in Landcom’s vision to deliver new homes, jobs, services, conservation land, and open space close to the growing Tuncurry-Forster urban area.

LandCom is the NSW Government’s land and property development organisation.

Aboriginal Action Plan and Reference Group

Council’s Aboriginal Action Plan was tabled for endorsement by Councillors following the public exhibition period and recommends the establishment of an Aboriginal Reference Group in response to the feedback received.

Councillors adopted an amended motion which was;

  • The Aboriginal Action Plan be endorsed
  • Terms of Reference for an Aboriginal Reference Group be adopted
  • An Aboriginal Reference Group be established
  • Mayor Claire Pontin, Cr Dheera Smith and Cr Jeremy Miller were appointed to the Aboriginal Reference Group
  • That Expressions of Interest for membership of an Aboriginal Reference Group be sought.

Community Spaces Monthly Capital Works Project status report

Councillors noted the report which provided an overview of all the Capital Projects that are within the Community Spaces area of Council. It was also highlighted that all projects are progressing within their allocated budgets unless noted otherwise.

The projects include;

  • 10 projects funded from the capital renewal works budget
  • Two projects funded from beach permit revenue and
  • 31 projects funded by various State and Federal funding streams
  • Five flood recovery projects

Since the last monthly report four projects have been completed including new amenities at Tuncurry’s Fazio Park, boardwalk decking at Pindimar, an upgrade to Gloucester District Park and the Wingham Library upgrade and extensions.

Projects to get underway soon include a tender for the design and construction of the Allworth swimming enclosure, work on the Allworth boat ramp and fishing table and Hawks Nest fishing platform.

Work is due to start in September on the construction of the Ellenborough Falls Walkway and a contract has been awarded for the Hawks Nest Community Hall extensions, with work due to start late August.

Expressions of interest have opened for the upgrade of playgrounds at Coopernook, Krambach, Hawks Nest and Wingham.

Full details of projects underway can be found on the 23 August 2023 Agenda. 

Forster Civic Centre project construction update

The construction update on the Civic Centre project was noted by Councillors. It was reported the project is progressing on schedule and keys were handed over to the property on July 31.

The fit out of furniture and fittings is on track and will start in late August. The Occupancy Certificate for the building has been issued, residential tenants of the tower portion have started moving in.

Infrastructure and engineering services monthly capital works project status report

The report provided Councillors with a status update of major infrastructure and engineering projects and highlights potential issues with schedule, costs or impacts on delivery.

The status report was accepted and gateway reports endorsed. Projects reported included:

  • Northern Gateway, Cundletown – Industrial access road under construction including second roundabout. Project completion expected December 2023.
  • Farquhar / Bent Street, Wingham – Intersection upgrade to offset-T, scheduled for completion in September 2023.
  • York Street, Pulteney to Manning Street – Reconstruction works continuing and scheduled for completion in September 2023.
  • Railway Street, Taree – Pavement reconstruction completed with final seal scheduled for August 2023.
  • Of the six projects on The Bucketts Way, two have been completed in the last month
  • Wingham Road/Youngs Road – Intersection upgrade and reconstruction of 1.5km of pavement. Construction is continuing, mainly with night works. Expected completion in August 2023
  • The Lakes Way, Chelmsbrook – Pavement reconstruction continuing. An interim bitumen seal has been placed with an asphalt pavement to be placed once high voltage power lines have been lifted on-site> Scheduled for completion in October 2023.

Three bridge replacement projects are currently underway – Lauries Bridge, Deep Creek Bridge and Limeburners Creek Bridge. Kings Creek Bridge was completed during last month and work has restarted on Scotts Creek, Mitchells Island.

Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy

Councillors adopted the Our Water Our Future 2050 strategy following its public exhibition period.

During the preparation of the strategy, we have sought to:

  • Identify the full range of values and uses of water within the water cycle, from catchment to tap,
  • Understand our community’s values in relation to water,
  • Make better decisions and arrive at lower-cost solutions through our evaluation of options, and
  • Integrate water planning with the management of other natural resources.

The Strategy includes the 13 supporting documents in the appendices including the Drought Contingency and Emergency Response Plan.

Our blueprint for the future is underpinned by two plans that we will deliver in parallel. The first involves the continued delivery of our existing water and sewer services, with an increased focus on water conservation and demand management. The second is building resilience in our water sources.

For full details of all reports please see the agenda for the meeting which can be found here.