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Published on 23 May 2024
Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.
They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.
They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.
Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.
For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found with the agendas and minutes.
MidCoast Assist
A decision was made to enter into negotiations with two preferred providers for the provision of the aged care and disability services currently provided by MidCoast Assist. Those providers are:
These organisations were selected following a rigorous ‘request for proposal’ process.
When negotiations are complete a report will be provided back to a Council meeting for decision.
It is anticipated that following the next decision of Council, contracts will be entered into and transition plans developed to support staff, clients and participants in the transfer of services.
Two storey dwelling, retaining walls and carport – 65 Kinka Road, Seal Rocks
The amended development application for 65 Kinka Road, Seal Rocks will go ahead.
The application was changed from three to two storeys after the previous application had been denied. Councillors approved the scaled back version (subject to conditions).
Landscape improvement plan for The Bight Cemetery
A landscaping plan has been put in place for The Bight Cemetery near Wingham.
The plan will eventually see between $50,000 and $100,000 worth of work to be done on the site. The funding for the work will come from Council’s Cemetery General Fund.
MidCoast Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan
The MidCoast Regional Sporting Precinct Master Plan was adopted following a period of public consultation.
In 2022 Council was successful in receiving a grant to prepare a strategy for the creation of a regional level sports precinct at the existing multi use Taree Recreation Grounds.
Council engaged an external consultant to deliver the project. This strategy set out the direction for the development of assets within the precinct.
The draft masterplan was put on public exhibition with 17 submissions received in this period, with the draft master plan updated as a result of feedback.
Suspension of alcohol prohibited area – Lakeside Festival 2024
Festival goers will be able to enjoy alcoholic beverages at the Lakeside Festival after Councillors voted to temporarily suspend the alcohol prohibited area in John Wright Park Tuncurry for the duration of the festival.
Events and festivals sponsorship
Council has allocated more than $88,000 in round one of the Events and Festivals Sponsorship program.
Following previous committed funds and funds proposed to be committed to a regionally significant event, $23,750 remains available to events applying in Round Two. However, historically around $50,000 - $60,000 has been on offer.
Due to cancelled events during 2023/2024 and residual funds left from Covid-related cancelled events Councillors voted that the surplus of $47,000 be added to the round two figure to assist in supporting and attracting events to the region.
MidCoast Arts support program
Just under $15,000 was allocated to four applicants who applied for funding through the MidCoast Arts support program.
Mount George School of Arts Theatre Group was the beneficiary of $5000 along with Kristina Chan for her project Movement as Language.
Community donation funding
Nine organisations will benefit from donations totalling $31,943. Valley Industries has been awarded $10,000 in seed funding for their Natures Care Nursery.
It will create a sensory garden and learning space where young people and people with a disability can explore and experience the wonders of horticulture through senses of sight, sound, touch and smell.
Gloucester Creatives NSW Co-op will also receive $10,000 to establish an Art Precinct in an unused Garden Centre site, incorporating sales gallery and event spaces to cater for the needs of all creative arts.
A further $2000 will go toward Catholic Care Social Services for the Taree Community kitchen freezer. The freezer will allow for additional food storage to support growing service and community demand for food relief.
For a full list of recipients for all funding programs please see the meeting agenda.
Amendment to 2024 Council meeting schedule
Councillors voted to amend the current meeting schedule for 2024 to accommodate the finalisation and declaration of the 14 September 2024 NSW Local Government Election results.
The change means the previously proposed meeting on 2 October will now be held on 9 October.
For full details of all reports please see the meeting agenda.