Our offices and customer service points will be closed on Monday 27 January for the Australia Day public holidayWaste collection services will continue as normal and our Visitor Information Centres will be open as normal.
Published on 17 April 2024
Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.
They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.
They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.
Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.
For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found with the agendas and minutes.
Mayoral minutes
Several Mayoral Minutes were presented. The first called on Council to adopt a principle of ensuring all operations are efficient, effective and lean and that priority areas be identified for service reviews in the DPOP for 2024-25.
The mayoral minute also requires the General Manager to undertake a review that benchmarks corporate services against other local NSW Councils to provide a comparison and identify improvement opportunities for consideration in future service reviews.
The second called for endorsement of regional motions developed through the Hunter Joint Organisation for lodging to the National General Assembly of Local Government to be held in Canberra from 2-4 July.
Notice of motions from Councillors
Councillor Paul Sandilands motion to waive all cemetery fees for stillborn infants up to the age of six years of age was supported by Councillors.
Councillor Dheera Smith moved a motion to employ more rangers to police 4WD on beaches. An amended motion was supported by Councillors to workshop the issue.
Councillor Kathryn Bell’s motion for Council to support a petition from the community fighting for improved services at the Manning Rural Referral Hospital was supported by all Councillors.
A motion calling for Council to complete a disability parking review from Councillor Katheryn Stinson was supported by all Councillors.
Management of aquatic centres and pools
Council will now enter into negotiations with prospective operators for the management of the Taree and Forster Aquatic Centres following the closing of tenders.
While the meeting formally rejected the tenders, approval has been given to enter into negotiations with tenderers to come to an agreement to operate the two centres.
The successful tenderer will take over management of the sites directly from the YMCA. Any prepaid memberships or Learn-to-swim lessons will continue to be honoured.
The meeting also resolved to open tenders from private operators, community groups or small operators for the management of the Wingham Memorial Swimming Pool and Tea Gardens Swimming Pool be open to tenders from private operators, community groups or small operators.
The running of the Wingham and Tea Gardens Pools by small operators or community groups has the potential to provide a reduced management fee and improve the level of service and customised approach to the unique requirements of each community.
Although as a back-up option Council will receive optional prices from operators tendering for the Manning and Great Lakes sites providing an option should a small operator or community group not be found.
Old Bar Park master plan
A draft master plan for the Old Bar Park area has been endorsed for public exhibition to seek further community feedback.
The plan has been developed based on feedback that was gained from the community last year.
Having the master plan in place will assist Council in applying for funding which the plan is dependent on for it to be delivered.
NAIDOC funding
Four applicants will benefit from the recent round of NAIDOC funding.
Gloucester Worimi First Peoples Aboriginal Corporation, Purfleet Taree Local Aboriginal Land Council, Forster Local Aboriginal Land Council and Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest Aboriginal Reference Group in conjunction with Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council/Murrook Cultural Centre will all receive $4000 towards their events.
Water and systems monthly performance report
Councillors accepted the report which highlighted the continued high performance of the department. Compliance remains at 99.7 percent with no new exceedances.
Wastewater compliance sits at 100 percent.
Water supply conditions remain favourable with predictions of median autumn rainfall and little risk that water restrictions will be needed prior to summer.
The team received 311 customer requests for the month with 99 percent complete within the customer service standards.
The second round of leak detection is now complete with over 500 kilometres of mains surveyed. A total of 158 leaks were found within Council’s network. Rectifying these leaks will save 7.4 million litres of water weekly.
RFS facilities are set to receive major upgrades after Councillors approved the report that recommended the contract for construction of additions to the existing RFS Brigade Station in Wingham go to C.J. Hogan and Co Pty Ltd for $404,917.50.
The contract for construction of the replacement RFS Brigade Station for Johns River was awarded to Edge Construction and Project Management Pty Ltd for $506,600.00 and additional funding of $215,000 be allocated to the projects from the Emergency Services Levy Reserve.
For full details of all reports please see the meeting agenda.