Published on 15 December 2022
Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.
They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.
They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.
Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.
For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found here.
For full details of all reports please see the agenda for the meeting which can be found here.
Decisions of interest
Development application for tourist and visitor accommodation at Diamond Beach
A development application for tourist and visitor accommodation (42 two-storey town houses as part of 10 buildings) and a community title subdivision at 391 Diamond Beach Road, Diamond Beach was approved.
In providing the approval additional conditions were imposed, including requirements for a cul-de-sac construction and additional carparking. The site has been used for tourism and residential purposes in the past and has a small six-unit motel complex on it, along with a two-storey dwelling. The site also has an existing approval for a 106-site caravan park.
Recently the owners have submitted a draft planning proposal to Council to seek changes to the planning controls that affect their land, including the introduction of a medium density zoning over the land. This planning proposal was deferred by the elected Council in June and the applicant has since appealed the decision. This appeal is currently being considered by the Hunter Central Coast Regional Planning Panel.
This development application did not rely on the determination of the planning proposal.
Development application Marine Drive, Tea Gardens approved
A decision was made to approve an application for a mixed commercial/residential development at Marine Drive, Tea Gardens.
The application proposed a variation to the maximum building height development standard.
132 submissions were made in relation to the application.
The site provides a connection between low density residential and medium density commercial, of which there are a number of three storey buildings.
This application was for a building to be part three and part four-storey with retail tenancies on the ground floor and residential units on the upper floors.
MidCoast Rural Strategy
Future planning controls for rural and natural landscapes have been identified and will be included in the future draft MidCoast Local Environmental Plan, following adoption of the ‘MidCoast Rural Strategy – the way forward’ document at the meeting.
The ‘MidCoast Rural Strategy - The Way Forward’ examines the zones to be applied to the rural landscape, being the rural, conservation and waterways zones.
It proposes a new framework for waterways, rural and natural landscapes, based on the following goals:
1. Sustain primary production opportunities 2. Enhance rural lifestyles and livelihoods 3. Protect natural landscapes 4. Improve planning and plan-making in practice
The aim of the ‘MidCoast Rural Strategy - The Way Forward’ is to provide a clear approach for future rural planning controls based on evidence and in response to the submissions received in relation to the draft rural strategy.
The document will be available on Council’s website, along with a summary of the recommendations which will be implemented in the new LEP.
None of the recommended changes come into force until a new LEP and DCP are adopted. The community will have further opportunity to provide input during the formal exhibition period for these documents later in 2023.
Community Engagement Strategy
Councillors adopted a new Community Engagement Strategy, following a public exhibition period.
This strategy sets the framework for how we communicate and engage with our community to ensure we are making decisions that are informed by the community. It outlines a series of goals and objectives to improve our communication and engagement interactions over the life of the strategy.
Manning Entertainment Centre new studio space
Approval was provided to use $600,000 of developer contributions for the Manning Entertainment Centre towards the completion of the new studio space project.
This will provide for a range of items for the new studio space that were either not allowed for in the original budget or removed from the scope due to funding constraints.
This decision also provides funding to upgrade major items in the existing auditorium such as the much-needed upgrade to the air conditioner, replacement of external doors, safety improvements to the stairs and replacement of lighting bars and lights.
Visitor services for Tea Gardens
The Myall Community Art and Craft Centre has joined the Destination Barrington Coast visitor services partnership program and will provide visitor services in the Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest area.
This fills a gap in tourism services in the Tea Gardens area after the closure of the community-run visitor information centre early in 2021, due to the lack of volunteers after COVID.
We are working with the Myall Community Art and Craft Centre volunteers to implement new signage, information displays and processes to ensure the centre is operational for the holiday period.
Draft MidCoast Aboriginal Action Plan
A draft MidCoast Aboriginal Action Plan has been endorsed for a public exhibition.
The draft plan will be placed on public exhibition from 30 January to provide the community with the opportunity to provide feedback.
The MidCoast Aboriginal Action Plan is a resource to support, guide and initiate collaborative approaches across six key focus areas through collaboration and partnerships with current service providers and community groups and will assist in breaking down barriers to see all people in the MidCoast thrive.
The plan is a strategic framework for recognising and respecting Aboriginal culture and history and reducing the disadvantage experienced in the MidCoast by the Aboriginal community.
Capital works projects
A report on the major capital works underway in the transport, water and wastewater area provided updates on a number of the major projects underway, including:
For more details on the full list of capital works underway, see report 15.1 on agenda for the 14 December
Forster Civic Precinct project construction update
Councillors were advised the project is currently progressing behind schedule and is on track for building occupation in August. The interior design is complete and fit out of the furniture, fittings and equipment is expected to start in July 2023.
Consolidation of annual charges on rates notice for 23-24
Annual water and sewer charges will be included on the rates notice from July 2023. This is expected to deliver significant administrative efficiencies and, importantly, align Council’s rates and charges with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993.
It will also deliver benefits to ratepayers applying for pension rebates, as they will only be required to complete the verification process for their rate notice, rather than separately for their rate notice and their quarterly water account, which they are currently required to do.
The removal of the water and sewerage annual charges from the water account will also highlight actual water usage and provide customers with an opportunity to better manage their water usage.
The new arrangement does not change the total amount that would be payable by the ratepayer and by electing to pay in instalments a ratepayer can effectively manage their payments in the same way as the former quarterly water account.
Sale of Forster library and former administration building
The meeting resolved to enter into a conditional contract for the proposed sale of the Forster library and the former Council administration building in Breese Parade Forster to Mojo Catering Pty Ltd.
The General Manager was authorised by the meeting to execute all required documents for the sale, with the proceeds of the sale to be allocated to Council’s property reserve.