Summary: Council meeting 13 December 2023

Published on 13 December 2023

What happens at a Council meeting?

Elected representatives of the community, Councillors, come together to represent the views of the community and make strategic decisions on behalf of the community.

They are responsible for ensuring the Council operates in accordance with legislation, is financially responsible and delivering to the needs of the community within the means of the budget.

They meet regularly to make determinations on matters that impact on you and your community.

Following each meeting we provide a snapshot of the decisions that are made and the information that is tabled.

For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the agenda and business papers, or listen to a recording of the meeting – that can be found here.

Items of interest - 13 December 2023 Council meeting

Items of interest  Summary 

Financial Sustainability Review

A report on a Financial Sustainability Review, undertaken by the AEC Group, was noted by Councillors at the meeting.

The review was undertaken to support Council’s aim to return the general fund to a sustainable position within a four-to-six-year timeframe.

An action plan is now being prepared to address the recommendations of the review and this will be reported to a Council meeting in the first quarter of 2024.

An Asset Advisory Committee will also be formed to provide strategic guidance on the effectiveness of asset management including the strategy review of property and land assets to support our continued focus on financial sustainability. 

ARIC annual report


The 2022/23 Audit Risk and Improvement Committee annual report was noted by Councillors.

The committee is a requirement of the Local Government Act. The aim of the committee is to provide independent assurance by monitoring, reviewing and providing advice about the organisation’s governance processes, compliance, risk management and control frameworks, external accountability and overall performance.

The report highlights the internal audits undertaken and those that are planned, along with the key activities of the committee during the 2022-23 financial year.

Hawks Nest housing complex

A development application for a four-storey shop top housing complex in Yamba Street Hawks Nest was approved by Councillors.

The complex contains 10 residential units and two commercial units and attracted 39 submissions from the community. Community objections included the height (which is compliant with the LEP so therefore permissible), the impact on local character, traffic impact and parking, vegetation removal, over shadowing and planning requirements. The report indicated that all these issues have been addressed in the process.

Changes to manufactured housing estate in Lewis Street Old Bar

An application to modify the configuration of the approved manufactured housing estate in Lewis Street, Old Bar was approved subject to conditions.

The modification included reducing the number of sites from the existing approved 181 sites down to 147 sites, and amendments to the internal road layout and relocation of the communal facilities. The conditions were amended to allow for consideration of heavy vehicle movements on the public road system during before and after school care periods.

Replacement of flood damaged aquatic infrastructure

A contract will be awarded to M&J Marine Pty Ltd to design, repair and replace flood-damaged aquatic infrastructure at 12 locations across the MidCoast. The work will be completed on wharves, jetties, pontoons and gangways damaged during the 2021 floods.


The work will be funded by a State Government grant for $3.2 million which was granted in mid-2023.

New pontoon and jetty for Tea Gardens

A project to provide a new pontoon and jetty for Apex Park, Tea Gardens is getting closer. As a result of the decision at the meeting, Council will now enter into further negotiations with selected tenderers to try and progress the project.

A total budget of $776,974 exists for the project, from a number of funding grants received.

The project went to tender recently; however, we were not able to secure a contractor to deliver the amount of work required within the budget.

Further discussions will now be had to develop an agreed scope of works in accordance with the available project budget to allow a contract to be awarded.

Draft MidCoast Regional Sporting Precinct Development Strategy and Masterplan

A masterplan for the Taree Recreation Grounds will be placed on public exhibition to gain community feedback on the plans for the area as a regional sporting precinct into the future.

The masterplan has been able to be completed as a result of a grant under the NSW Government’s Business Case and Strategy Development Fund.

The plan is a strategy for the creation of a regional level sports precinct at the existing 60 hectare multi-use Taree Recreation Grounds. The implementation of the masterplan will be dependent on external funding.

North Tuncurry Sports Complex Plan of Management

A plan of management for the North Tuncurry Sports Complex has been endorsed for implementation.

This follows a period of community consultation and review of the feedback from the community. Community submissions largely centred on the inclusion of a public toilet block in the complex in the future.

As a result, the indicative location has been removed from the final plan of management and a separate consultation process will be undertaken when the toilet block goes into a design phase.

The plan provides a long-term strategic approach to the management of this important recreational facility.

The North Tuncurry Sports Complex is on Crown land, which we manage. All Crown land managed by Councils require plans of management.

Playspace and Skate Strategies adopted

Following a period of community consultation the MidCoast Playspace Strategy and MidCoast Skatepark Strategy have been adopted by Councillors.

These strategies support the Open Space and Recreation Strategy that was adopted last year and set the future direction for the way we manage playspaces and skate parks into the future.

A total of 43 submissions were received for the Playspace Strategy and 54 for the Skatepark Strategy, mostly addressing the individual actions in particular locations.

Old Bar – Manning Point Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping update

As part of the development of a coastal management program for the Old Bar- Manning Point area the hazard risk mapping for the area has been updated. This map shows the predicted continual impact of coastal erosion and shoreline recession in the area in the period to 2100.

This mapping provides important technical information to support the coastal management program, which when certified will provide an avenue of funding for management actions identified in the program.

The updated hazard mapping uses a probabilistic modelling methodology, which was supported by ground penetrating radar surveys to understand the natural resistance to coastal erosion.

The mapping shows that for the most, the residential area of Wallabi Point will be protected by the bedrock underlying that area. North of Wallabi Point to approximately south of the Old Bar Public School will continue to recede and be vulnerable to coastal erosion with significant impacts on private properties, Council assets and essential services like telecommunications, water and sewer. 

The Manning Point settlement has a high probability of being significantly impacted as a result of coastal recession with a significant proportion of properties impacted between 2060-2100. 

Monthly capital works project status report 


Councillors were provided with a status update of major infrastructure and engineering projects and highlights potential issues with schedule, costs or impacts on delivery. The status report was accepted, and gateway reports endorsed. Projects reported included:

  • Northern Gateway, Cundletown – Industrial access road under construction including second roundabout. Project completion expected December 2023.
  • Farquhar / Bent Street, Wingham – Intersection upgrade to offset-T, completed in October.
  • Reconstruction of Gregson Street, Gloucester is underway and expected to be completed in February 2024.
  • Road rehabilitation at Lansdowne Road, Langley Vale was completed in November.
  • Lauries Bridge, Moppy Creek Road replacement completed in November.
  • Deep Creek, The Bucketts Way bridge replacement completed in November.
  • Gloucester reservoir and associated mains – work underway on building fit out works, with project completion due in March 2024.
  • Nabiac borefield upgrade – continuing design works for the bore hut construction works with call for tenders expected this month. High voltage installation works started and expected to be completed in April 2024.


For full details of all reports please see the agenda for the meeting which can be found here.