The Ordinary Council Meeting of 26 March 2025 will be webcast live. You can view the Meeting via live webcast. The webcast starts at 2pm.
View the webcast here
Committees are an important way we work with community members to help us deliver on the outcomes identified in the Community Strategic Plan. ‘Committee’ is defined as any working group, reference group or delegated committee providing information, advice, suggestions, and support to Council and staff.
All MidCoast Committess adhere to our Committees guidelines: MidCoast Committees Guidelines(PDF, 211KB)
Information on our current committees can be found in the sections below.
The purpose of the group is focused on improving outcomes for Aboriginal people in the MidCoast region.
The Arts and Creative Industries Reference Group has been established to provide strategic advice to Council on the planning, development and delivery of services to support the arts and creative industries in the MidCoast region and will support the implementation of the MidCoast Cultural Plan 2036.
The objective of the committee is to provide independent assurance, oversight and assistance to Council on risk management, control, governance, internal audits, organisational performance and external responsibilities in an advisory capacity.
The purpose of this group is to identify and prioritise proposed projects / improvements within Bulahdelah that may be included in a Planning Agreement for the Bulahdelah Highway Service Centre Development Application.
The purpose of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee is to advise Council on the development and implementation of Floodplain Risk Management Plans for the Mid Coast Council local government area.
This group will provide input to the development of the Koala Plan of Management that will highlight key projects in priority koala habitat areas of the MidCoast.
The Local Traffic Committee (LTC) is set up under a delegation from NSW Roads and Maritime Services, to deal with traffic matters relating to general traffic issues on local roads.
This group provides input to the development of the Old Bar - Manning Point Coastal Management Program. The CMP will develop strategies and prioritise management options to address hazard risks to private, public and environmental assets.
This group provides important community input to the actions in the Coastal Management Program.
Community Resilience and Disaster Recovery Reference Group