Some of our services will be closed for the public holidays around Christmas and New Year.
Details on opening hours
There are a range of other strategies and plans and guide how we do what we do.
The MidCoast Aboriginal Action Plan guides our efforts to improve outcomes for Aboriginal people on the MidCoast.
Our commitment to our ageing population sets some strong foundations for sustaining the valuable contributions older people make across the region.
This strategy outlines how we will maintain Council-managed cemeteries and improve cemetery services into the future.
We are committed to ensuring that children feel safe at all times when in our facilities and accessing our services.
A strategy for how we will reduce our emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
How we involve our community in our decision making and planning for the future.
Our plan sets out the role culture plays in helping to create vibrant and healthy communities.
This framework guides sustainable tourism development for our region.
Our commitment to improving accessibility and inclusiveness in our community.
A five-year high-level document that sets the overall intent for the MidCoast to be where people choose to live, work and invest.
MidCoast Council aims to be financially sustainable. This means having sufficient funds to meet all of our resources and financial obligations, including the provision of agreed services and properly maintaining our assets.
These establish our future direction on land use for the region, and includes our Local Strategic Planning Statement.
A plan for how we manage and enhance vegetation across our region and create a positive legacy.
The Housing Barriers Review Report seeks to understand the barriers which unnecessarily complicate the development assessment process.
Our 10 year action plan to maintain a clean and healthy river with a focus on water quality and ecosystem health.
This strategy details the condition of our 10,000km transport network and what would be required to improve the network's condition and meet the community's expectations.
This strategy outlines how outdoor spaces in the region will be planned, maintained and delivered to 2035.
The strategy will guide how we manage our water and sewer services for the next 30 years.
How we plan to connect our communities with footpaths and cycleways.
A platform for us to work with our community and businesses to drive economic growth.
How we manage water related services to meet our community's needs.
This focuses on how we will manage our waste and reduce impacts of waste disposal for our community.
How we will work with service providers and the community to support and empower our region's youth.
This strategy will guide the conservation and management of koalas and their habitat across the MidCoast region for the next five years.