The Southern Estuaries of the MidCoast region, including Wallis, Myall and Smiths Lakes, Karuah River, North Arm Cove, Kore Kore and Khappinghat Creeks and Black Head Lagoon are some of its greatest assets. They strengthen the MidCoast economy and provide social and recreational values that benefit the people that live, visit and work in the region. To protect these values, MidCoast Council are developing a Coastal Management Program (CMP). This program will provide strategic direction for future management of the Southern Estuaries and their catchments.
The Southern Estuaries Coastal Management Program Reference Group will provide strategic stakeholder input to the development of the Southern Estuaries Coastal Management Program from Stage 2 to Stage 4 of program development. The Southern Estuaries CMP will develop strategies for a healthy catchment and estuary that will support the social, economic, cultural, and environmental values of its people.
The issues that the Southern Estuaries CMP and therefore the Reference Group will focus on include but are not limited to:
The membership of the Reference Group shall comprise:
Mayor C Pontin (Chair)
Cr T O'Keefe
Ainslie Downes – NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Andrew Hampstead – NSW DPI – Marine Parks
Cherie Colyer-Morris – NSW DPI – Fisheries
Grant Nelson – Crown Lands
Josh Chivers – NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Alana Simon
Brett Newbold
Deborah Brassey
George McKay
Helmut Panhuber
Henrietta Mooney
Jade Baggins
Jessica Harris
Joel Dunn
John Ford
Kathleen Cheers
Matthew Barry
Peter Davies
Ross Fidden