Reference Group Induction
Welcome to the MidCoast Reference Group Induction and thank you for volunteering your time.
As a member of the group, you are considered a volunteer of Council. When working together we have shared responsibilities that this document outlines.
The induction provides an overview of the structure and governance processes to support the running and interaction of the group.
Some of the guiding principles are:
- Decisions are made by consensus not by votes
- Everyone has the opportunity to have their say, present their opinion and make a contribution
- Information will be distributed by email
- Meeting notes will be taken that reflect the conversation and note the outcomes or action from the discussion. Meeting minutes will not be taken.
- Meeting notes will be presented to Council
To make it easier for you to participate we’ve reviewed the structure of our Groups and have reduced the protocols and formalities, through making Reference Groups advisory Groups to Council and not delegated committees.
To view the MidCoast Council - Reference Group Induction Handbook document in full-screen in the interactive PDF viewer above, select the bracket icon at the bottom-right side the toolbar to enable full-screen.
If you are having trouble viewing the document in the interactive PDF viewer, you may also download the full MidCoast Council - Reference Group Induction Handbook here(PDF, 1MB).
Below are links to the key reference documents to support the induction.
Community Strategic Plan – guides all the work we are doing and the decisions made by Council (available in the 'Strategies' section below)
MidCoast Aboriginal Action Plan – is a holistic plan that is focused on improving the outcomes for Aboriginal people in the MidCoast LGA (available in the 'Strategies' section below)
Disability Inclusion Action Plan – included for your information and outlines our approach to removing barriers for those with a disability (available in the 'Strategies' section below)
What and how Council does things is heavily legislated through a number of different Acts and Regulations. One of those documents is the Code of Conduct
- The Code of Conduct outlines what we should and shouldn’t do
- Applies to all Councillors, staff and volunteers
- A copy of the Code of Conduct along with the Gifts and Benefits Policy, and Workplace Health and Safety Policy is in the 'Policies' section below.
Committee Guidelines – outlines the Governance processes for committees
Terms of Reference – each Terms of Reference outlines the purpose, tasks, structure and processes specific to the Reference Group.
Terms of Reference
Links to the Terms of Reference for each of the Reference Groups is available on the Council committees page of the website.