Some of our services will be closed for the public holidays around Christmas and New Year.
Details on opening hours
The purpose of the Bulahdelah Highway Service Centre Planning Agreement Reference Group is to identify a prioritised package of proposed improvements to Bulahdelah that may be included in a Planning Agreement associated with the Planning Proposal.
This information will then be utilised by Council and its Consultant to negotiate a Planning Agreement with the proponent that, once endorsed by Council, will be included with the Planning Proposal for Public Exhibition.
The Reference Group will dissolve upon the Council endorsement of a list of priority improvements to Bulahdelah, following a formal exhibition process.
The Bulahdelah Highway Service Centre Planning Agreement Reference Group will provide guidance to Council on the following (but not limited to) key areas:
Cr K Smith (Co-Chair)
Cr P Sandilands (Co-Chair)
Cr A Tickle (alternate)
Kevin Carter
Allan Freihaut
Dale Bradshaw
Gary Ekert
Judy Dixon
Nicole Stockdale
Barbara Gordon
Helen Dafter
Arthur Baker