Report sewer spills

Report suspected sewer spills as soon as possible to 1300 133 455

Spills from the sewerage system occur for a number of reasons, including blocked and broken pipes, flooding, and power outages affecting our pumps.

In many instances, especially when we know about the spill straight away, we’re able to safely contain it. 

However, in some cases raw sewage spills into stormwater drains and flows into our natural waterways. If there is a risk this has occurred, we test the waterway for bacteria levels.

If results show the bacteria levels are higher than those recommended as safe for swimming by the national guidelines, we erect warning signs and notify relevant authorities and local organisations.

Water testing continues until results show the levels of bacteria have fallen to within the range recommended for safe swimming.

If you see a warning sign like the one pictured here it is advised you avoid swimming until the signs are taken down.

Typically, it will be one to four days, however this is highly weather dependent.

It is important to note that heavy rain can also wash other pollutants such as dog droppings, oil, fertilisers and litter into our waterways.

This impacts water quality and as a precaution, the NSW Government recommends everyone avoid swimming in rivers and estuaries for three days due to the potential contamination risk posed by organisms such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa.