Major road and bridge projects
As of May 2024, the MidCoast road network covers over 3,600 kilometres, consisting of 347km of regional roads, 595km of urban roads, 983km of rural sealed roads, 1,713km of unsealed roads. It is the second largest network in NSW. There are also 436 concrete bridges, 27 steel bridges, 159 timber bridges and 47 composite bridges. Managing such a large network with a relatively small population requires investing our limited funds wisely. Our major road and bridge projects focus on addressing the highest risk roads.
The current renewal backlog for sealed and unsealed roads is estimated to be approximately $180 million. Without an increased investment in renewing the network, this backlog will continue to grow.
We need to invest an additional $26.35 million annually into our road network to stop further deterioration. This includes:
- $9.5 million on urban roads for resealing and rehabilitation
- $10.2 million on rural sealed roads for resealing and rehabilitation
- $1.9 million on rural unsealed roads for gravel re-sheeting
- $4.75 million on culverts, footpaths, line marking, and kerb and guttering.
Each Council may determine the level of service provided for a public road and the standard to which it is constructed. The expectation is that the level of service or standard of construction links to the Council’s financial capacity to be sustainable in the long term. Under the Civil Liability Act 2002, Council’s functions as a Road Authority are limited by the financial and other resources that are reasonably available.
To support our efforts, we collaborate with the State and Federal Government to secure grant funding, specifically for enhancing the roads that connect our communities. During 2024-25, $68 million has been allocated for transport infrastructure assets such as roads, bridges, drainage, and footpaths. This includes a final $11.5 million of works under the $100 million Road Program that Council is undertaking in partnership with the State Government. The program includes the Thunderbolts Way Corridor Strategy, the Bucketts Way upgrade, and construction of a new bridge over Cedar Party Creek into Wingham. Council has also allocated $17 million for road maintenance for our local roads in 2024-25.
The following map shows the major road and bridge projects we are undertaking this financial year. The map does not show scheduled maintenance work. Click on the icon to learn more about each project.
*Updated monthly ahead of each Ordinary Council meeting. Last updated 21 February 2025.
Roads and bridges projects funded by the Regional and Local Road Repair Program (NSW State Government)
Roads and bridges projects funded by the council capital works program
Roads projects funded by the Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund
Roads and bridges projects in scoping, funding not yet allocated
Flood damaged roads and bridges
Find out more about some of our major projects in the Roads Projects Hub
Learn more about the capital works we will carry out during the financial year in our DPOP.