No rate rise to fund Council office centralisation

Published on 07 November 2018

Biripi Way .JPG

MidCoast Council’s draft financing strategy for the establishment of a head office on Biripi Way, Taree indicates there will be no impact on rates or operational programs to fund the project.

Feedback is currently being sought on the draft financing strategy for the head office project, which investigations have found to be significantly more cost-effective than continuing to operate across multiple sites in Taree and Forster.

In the draft financing strategy, funding for the $20 million office design and fitout would come from a combination of savings realised through the merger ($7.2 million), sale of property assets ($4.8 million), and borrowings of up to $8 million, with repayments funded by leasing current administration buildings.

“The strategy clearly identifies that no special rate variation would be required for the project, and that operational funding for programs such as Council’s road improvement and capital works programs would remain untouched,” explained General Manager, Adrian Panuccio.

“We are seeking feedback from our community on the draft financing strategy and the impacts and benefits of moving to a single site.

“The gateway process being applied to the project has already determined that consolidating the Taree and Forster administrative functions in one location will provide a more efficient and economically viable option over the longer term.”

Information about the expected impacts and benefits of the relocation, including the retention of customer service points in all existing locations across the region, can be found on Council’s website, along with the draft financing strategy and an online survey. The information and survey will also be delivered as a flyer into letterboxes across the MidCoast next week.

Community members are encouraged to read the information flyer, visit to find out more, or attend an information session later this month.

“We have released details of five information sessions, including one at the proposed Biripi Way office location, and we’re inviting community groups in smaller localities and villages to apply to host a session in their community.”

Full details and a link to the survey can be found by visiting The consultation phase closes on Friday 14 December.