MidCoast Council proceeds with Masters building acquisition

Published on 03 November 2017


MEDIA STATEMENT: At an Extraordinary meeting of council on Thursday 2 November, Council resolved to purchase the former Masters Home Improvement site as a strategic land acquisition.

Last night (2 November 2017) Council considered a report in relation to the potential acquisition of the former "Masters Home Improvement Site” located at the corner of Manning River Drive and Biripi Way, Taree. The site comprises an area of approximately 3.7ha consisting of a modern high clearance warehouse facility (9,910 sq. metres) with polished concrete floors, fully air conditioned and 281 car parking spaces and associated infrastructure.

At the meeting Council resolved to purchase the site as a strategic land acquisition.

While this purchase is a commercial opportunity, Council is investigating the use of the site as a single headquarters for MidCoast Council. The building would allow consolidation of the existing four administration centres in Forster and Taree as there is currently both a Council and Water Services administration centre in both Forster and Taree.

Council has not made a formal decision to use the building for this use and any decision of this nature will be subject to further analysis and the preparation of a detailed business case.

To enable all aspects of the centralised office to be explored we will commence investigations into the feasibility of this significant opportunity and present a business case to Council over the next couple of months.

Please note: The report was CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permitted the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following:

(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business

 However, the part of the report made available publicly can be viewed as an attachment in the section titled "02 November 2017 Extraordinary Meeting" here.