Masterplan Stage 1: Forster Ocean Baths facilities upgrade

Published on 08 April 2019


The community is being asked to have a say on plans to upgrade facilities at the Forster Ocean Baths, as MidCoast Council prepares to deliver the first stage in the Main Beach Masterplan.

Upgrades to the large shaded barbecue area, public amenities / change rooms and outdoor shower area will be delivered through a $200,000 funding allocation from the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund and  an additional $250,000 from Council's Forster / Tuncurry Open Space fund.

"We've completed a draft design for the new facilities at the Ocean Baths, and we're asking for community feedback on the design to ensure we've got the fit right, and it's in keeping with the masterplan," said Paul De Szell, MidCoast Council’s Director Community Spaces and Services.

The plans will be available for viewing on Council's 'Have your say' page from Monday 8 April or in hard copy format at Council's Forster office. You can also submit your comments and feedback on that page.

"We'll be holding a pop-up consultation session(PDF, 313KB) at Forster Ocean Baths on Monday 15 April, from 10am until 12pm and everyone is welcome to drop down to the Baths, view the proposed plans and tell us what you think of the designs," added Mr De Szell.

The popular Forster Ocean Baths is a highly valued community facility, with important connections to the past and continued high use throughout the year. However the facilities are no longer adequate and the surrounding area is in need of a facelift.

"The toilet and change room facilities were constructed in the late 1970s or early 1980s and are not adequate to cater for the number of regular users, and importantly they also don’t accommodate people with disability," said Mr De Szell.

As a result of public consultation on the Forster Main Beach Masterplan, it's been decided to relocate the proposed toilet block closer to the road and Second Head.

Change rooms will be provided within the new toilet block, rather than in a separate structure, and the existing change rooms will be removed.

The footprint of the existing change rooms will become the new barbecue and picnic area, and the existing barbecue area will be removed, which will be converted to a large grass area for people to enjoy.

The new barbecue area will provide a contemporary space with cooking facilities, picnic tables and an alfresco seating area. The new facility connects the open space to the natural surrounds, featuring mixed seating for different uses, modern furniture, and art screens using local Aboriginal designs.

“This is really exciting news for everyone who uses the Forster Ocean Baths. It’s been a long time coming and will kick start the whole Forster Main Beach Masterplan.”

You can provide your feedback on the proposed upgrade until Sunday 28 April, after which plans will be finalised to allow for work to get underway.

For more information, visit the links above.