Published on 30 August 2017
MidCoast Council road crews recently commenced re-sheeting works on Nowendoc Road to improve the road surface.
It’s great news for locals as MidCoast road crews continue a busy schedule of works on Nowendoc Road. The works include 12 km’s of new unsealed road pavement, improved drainage, delineation and signage, and will continue through to early October.
Re-sheeting will go a long way in minimising rutting, scouring, potholes and corrugations. “The works will improve the ride-ability of the road as the new pavement formation is constructed. The project should take about another 4 to 6 weeks weather permitting” says Daniel Park, MidCoast Council’s Operations Manager.
Unsealed roads have a wearing course, and as the gravel on the top section dissipates, the under layers of the road become exposed. ““This section of Nowendoc Road had little wearing material left, making it a good candidate for a re-sheet” says Daniel.
MidCoast Council has 1700 km’s of unsealed roads and they play a vital role in keeping rural communities connected. This road is an important route from Taree to the Walcha/Nowendoc region.
The $600,000 re-sheeting project is part of MidCoast Council’s commitment to improving infrastructure throughout the region.
To stay updated on the progress of these works, please visit