Beach access across the region will be subject to temporary closures due to the hazardous weather and surf conditions.
Understanding what matters to you helps us to make better decisions.
There are many ways to be involved in what we do, and in your community.
Our Community Engagement Strategy guides how we let you know what we are doing and how you can share your opinions.
We also have a range of ways you can find out what is happening – sign up to one of a range of e-newsletters below.
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Community Conversations are an opportunity to meet your Councillors, hear what is planned for your area and ask questions. Find out when and where you can join in.
We are always after your thoughts and feedback on various projects, plans or policies. Sign up for regular general updates or follow a project of interest.
We're making it easier for residents to access services and share feedback with mobile customer service and community engagement pop-ups
Find out about the decisions we make and the role of our elected Councillors. Find out how you can address our Council meetings on matters that are important to you.
Volunteers are the heart of our community and help with our libraries, gallery, parks and gardens and more. If you are interested in joining their ranks find out more.
For information on holding an event on Council owned land.
This events list shows Council run events including meetings, community engagement and education, as well as events held at out libraries, gallery and Entertainment Centre.
Our picks for this season’s events and activities on the MidCoast.