Pre-lodgement meetings

A formal pre-lodgement meeting is required prior to the lodgement of a Development Application for larger scale or more complex developments.

Development types that should be considered by Council’s Development Assessment Panel at a pre-lodgement meeting PRIOR to a Development Application being lodged with Council are:

  • Residential Flat Buildings
  • Multi dwelling housing where standards or controls cannot be met
  • Seniors Living developments
  • Childcare Centres where standards or controls cannot be met
  • Manufactured Home Estates
  • Designated development
  • Large scale rural, commercial or industrial developments
  • Residential subdivision proposals comprising more than 10 lots
  • Any development likely to have a significant impact on the natural or built environment.

Other development may be considered by the Panel at a pre-lodgement meeting. If you are unsure about whether to attend a pre-lodgement meeting prior to lodging your Development Application, please complete a Planning and Building Enquiry and our Building Development Assessment Team will contact you.

Lodgement documents required for the meeting

  • A statement describing the proposal and a comparison with Council’s planning controls.  It is recommended that the comparison is presented in a table format comparing the proposal to Council’s relevant DCP and LEP.
  • A written description of any specific issues you would like discussed or clarified at the meeting.
  • An electronic copy of a Site Plan with a north arrow showing distances to neighbours, watercourses and vegetation.
  • Conceptual floor plans and elevations or subdivision plans (where relevant).
  • The capital investment value of the development.
  • Photographs of the site and the surrounding streetscape should be provided where available.

Fees: Prior to the meeting you will need to pay an application fee of $550 (including GST); Development-Advice-Preliminary Assessment Fee in the Fees and Charges found here in our Fees and Charges.

What you can expect

The meeting will provide you with the opportunity to explain your proposed development. You will be allocated up to 10 minutes for this. The Development Assessment Panel will have reviewed your pre-lodgement documentation prior to the meeting and will discuss any concerns or requirements with you. All pre-lodgement meetings are for one (1) hour, held Tuesday weekly at 9am, 10am and 11am. Within 21 days after the meeting you will receive formal minutes from the meeting, advising of any concerns, issues or specific lodgement requirements.

How to book a Pre-Lodgement meeting

Please complete the Request for DA Pre-Lodgement below.

Book a Pre-Lodgement meeting

Please upload required lodgement documents, as listed above, with this form. Once received we will contact you with the next available meeting date and time.