Interested in subdividing?

There are three forms of subdivision which may be undertaken:

  1. Torrens title subdivisions - As a rule of thumb, Torrens title subdivision applies where the development is over ground level only e.g. side-by-side dual occupancy.

  2. Community title subdivisions - Community title subdivision is usually for larger development which involves the creation of common property e.g. recreational facilities which may be used by all residents.

  3. Strata title subdivisions - Strata title subdivision may be applied for when the development affects more than one level e.g. tall buildings.

You must submit a development application to Council for any subdivision work requiring consent under Council's Local Environmental Plans (LEP).

Before lodging a subdivision development application, you will also need to refer to the Development Control Plan relevant to your area.

The cost of subdivision is site specific and subject to change. You should contact our Customer Service team for further advice on specific site fees. 

You must submit a development application through the NSW Planning Portal for any subdivision work requiring consent under Council's Local Environmental Plans (LEP).

Approval & release of subdivision plans from Council

Once you have completed the application process and complied with all of the conditions outlined in your development consent, you will need to have your subdivision plans approved and released from Council so that you can lodge the plans with the Land Titles Office.

In order to have Torrens Title and Community Title Subdivisions Plans approved and released from Council, you are required to lodge an Application for Subdivision Certificate through the NSW Planning Portal with the required documentation as outlined in the application form. We will contact you for payment.